To those who might ask, the waitress was white and she understood English, and I'm not racist, I have friends who are black and white...

Yesterday, I was having breakfast at my favorite restaurant, and I always politely ask for brown sugar for my coffee at this restaurant, because I happen to like brown sugar over white sugar and honey, and I always ask politely and give a good tip, because my parents always taught me to tip good...

Anyway, I ask this waitress to get me brown sugar, I asked her very politely, and she just looked at me weirdly, at first, I thought, she didn't know where the brown sugar was, and I knew where they kept the brown sugar, it was at the counter, but I couldn't get it myself, since there was a "EMPLOYEES ONLY" sign, so I pointed to the brown sugar, and she looked at it, but she still looked at me weirdly, and I was getting annoyed, but I kept my cool and asked her very politely to get me brown sugar, and yet, she still looked at me like I'm some weirdo, but she eventually got me brown sugar...

I didn't report her to the manager, but I didn't give her a tip either, the thing is, she made me feel bad about ordering brown sugar, what's the problem with ordering brown sugar in a restaurant?