I admit it: I'm a frequent floor-lounger ... so these interlocking cushions from Pling Collection would be ideal furniture for me. ZipZip's 30-inch upholstered pads have zips on all four sides, you see. So you can choose to make one huge floor cover, for, you know, generalized laying about, or combine them more sensibly into different chair shaped things. Special pads even have a hole for a planter or a stowage pocket: handy for TV remotes, I reckon. Think of the possibilities!
Ah... I can picture sitting on them now. Designed by Sternform Produktgestaltung, they're made of Loden, which is 100% new wool, and come in four colors ranging from light grey to dark sand. Sadly, it's "price on application" time, so I suspect they might damage my wallet before they soothed my aching limbs. [Plingcollection via ApartmentTherapy]

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