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  1. #21
    beth bluth
    beth bluth's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    Yes, a black '06 Honda Accord.

    What do you usually do on rainy days?
    Read or attempt to write my screenplay, unless I have homework.

    Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?
    Honestly, both but I try to focus on the half full side.

    Do you prefer winter or summer?
    Who means the most to you in your life?
    What's the most exciting/dangerous thing you've ever done?

  2. #22
    perrygraham's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Any allergies?
    just cinnamon

    Least favorite food?
    I hate liver and spinach. :sick:

    Favorite season?
    season 2

    If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    If you could only save one posession in a house fire what would it be?
    What brought you to :ff:?

  3. #23
    wanderer78's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Favorite Song Quote? (from any song)

    "But gravity always wins" -Fake Plastic Trees, Radiohead

    Are you going to see the new Harry Potter Movie?

    I have yet to read the books or see any of the movies. So probably not.

    The last book you read?

    Serenity Found. It's a book of essays about Firefly.

    Do you drive? If so, what do you drive?
    What do you usually do on rainy days?
    Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?

  4. #24
    wanderer78's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Meat and Potatoes or Veggies and Tofu?

    Right now Meat and Potatoes. But I used to be a vegetarian and want to go back to it.

    What's your favourite genre of music?

    I like all kinds of stuff, but my iPod seems to have a lot of alt rock and alt pop.

    Recently had a crush? Celebrity or otherwise?

    I wish I did but no.

    How many piercings do you have?
    What's the first thing you do if you won the lottery?
    Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?

  5. #25
    perrygraham's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Aww that's great. I really adore this movie especially because I partly grew up in the GDR and I adored the actor who sadly passed away. The Oscar was well deserved.

    What is your favorite past or present WB/CW show?
    Gilmore Girls

    What magazines do you read?
    Mhm, some German magazines no ones knows lol like Spiegel and Sportbild.

    What is your favorite flavour of ice cream?

    Conan O'Brien or David Letterman?
    What's the movie you've watched the most?
    Do you have any annoying habits?

  6. #26
    sheridon's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Early bird or Night owl?

    Night Owl. It's almost three am here right now.

    Do you keep a journal or diary?
    Nope. I've tried before, but I don't really have the motivation or the discipline.

    Who's your favorite stand up comedian?
    Although he's not strictly stand up, I'd say Ricky Gervais

    Meat and Potatoes or Veggies and Tofu?
    What's your favourite genre of music?
    Recently had a crush? Celebrity or otherwise?

  7. #27
    wanderer78's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    What TV do you own on DVD?

    Too many to mention. I have too many box sets.

    Whats your favorite love song?

    It changes. Right now it's "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West.

    Dog person or Cat person? Which kind of breed?

    Cat person. Any cat is fine with me.

    Any allergies?
    Least favorite food?
    Favorite season?

  8. #28
    wanderer78's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Favourite Animal?

    Cats, I guess. I'm not really an animal lover

    Do you have any pets?


    Favourite Band?


    Favorite comedian?
    Favorite Pixar movie?
    Where do you live?

  9. #29
    wanderer78's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    When was the last time you cried?

    After my shift at work today.

    If you could have any career in the world what would it be?

    I wish I could be a humanitarian. Maybe a doctor.

    Do you have/want to have kids?

    I go back and forth on that one. If I find a man that I want to marry, I'll probably want to have kids with him too. But who knows if that will happen.

    Early bird or Night owl?
    Do you keep a journal or diary?
    Who's your favorite stand up comedian?

  10. #30
    sheridon's Avatar

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Are you crafty?

    I guess that depends on your definition. I go to art school, so I've done pretty much anything you can think of, but I don't really do any crafts on my own time. I'm a painter/drawing kinda girl.

    Are you colouring your hair?

    Not yet. My family has a history of going grey very early. My bro got his first when he was 12. I'm starting to get them no at 24. Once it gets bad I'm dying my hair for sure.

    What's your favourite decade of the last century you would like to live?


    Favourite Animal?
    Do you have any pets?
    Favourite Band?



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