And I have no clue why because he's the one that messed up.

Three weeks ago, he asked me for my number and we've hung out basically everyday. If we don't hang out, he at least calls me.

Well, the other night I went and hung out with him. We ended up having sex and when he was done, he said, "You're not worth a f**k." Wow. Needless to say, that was a mood killer for me. I went into this mood and he kept saying he didn't mean it like that and that he was sorry. But that didn't cut it for me because why would you say something like that to someone after you JUST got done having sex with them? He told me as I walked away that he would call to apologize once again the morning, but me and my hot-tempered self said, "You don't have to." So basically he hasn't called for two days.

It's annoying me because I didn't do anything wrong. I have never been told something like that. If he was making a joke, it was horrible timing on his part.