Is teasing a form of bullying? Okay people have been saying mean things to me for years. People in my family, people at school, and even people at church. people at school have been calling me ugly for years and telling me that by the time i get married i will be too old to have children. they made fun of my clothes, my family made fun of my weight because i am just slightly chubby, and the pastor at my church says things like " oh you trying to be cute" when i don't want to eat anything and makes comments about slimming down. i keep to myself a lot. there isn't that many people that i do talk to, and people have been so mean to me. i have a self esteem issue. im hardly ever happy about myself. people have told me i was pretty, but i have been called ugly for so long by kids in school that i don't like what i see when i look in the mirror. i started believing them. i don't bother anyone though