I'm an 18 year old with a question that I really needed to ask..especially since I'm finally out of drama cam- errr...I mean high school. Starting out on a new foot and I want to take the steps in the right direction. as you can imagine, One of the big steps is intimacy.(sex)

Okay so basically whenever I see the question "which is better,girl/girl sex v.s. girl/guy sex" The most common answer I will see is something along the lines of girl/girl cuz girls know the female body.
Anyway, if anyone could message me some tips on "working" with the female body and things that could help me "know girls" more. basically fill me in on the ins and outs most guys don't know about.(I know the basics like not to pound away like a jackrabbit and setting the mood but well, I still got a ways to go and alot to learn) That or recommend good books that teach those kinds of lessons. My girlfriend is a virgin, bisexual, but she has made out with a naked girl before...and liked it. so I want her first experience with a guy to be a good one.

Can anyone help? the more detail the better