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  1. #1
    Help!Me!'s Avatar
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    Cancer, Money, School, Life giving you a huge FU!

    I'd like to have a pity party.. cause right now life sucks..

    There may be good news on the horizon, but then I stared looking in grad schools.. then the pity party came a'calling again. Man why do I stress about things. That could explain the gray hairs.

    As for the good news, if they approve my late withdraw, I'll drop all but three of my classes from last semester, because I can't get one of my professors to fill out the damn form! I don't have time right now to babysit a grown man to make sure that he fills out a form or sends an email! I have funeral arrangements to make, if anything I think that they can take that into consideration. To boot, I am now looking for full time employment, that means school full time, work full time and at the same time making sure that my mum is alright. So much for going overseas to look at old things and dig in the dirt for even more old things. That won't be happening any time soon, because what she gets a month is not enough for her to live on for the rest of her years, someone will have to take care of her. I'm the one that gets to do it. Me, the one that has decided not to marry at a young age or have children at a young age. Instead I wanted to travel, see the world, study in some odd places. Now that is gone, because I am the one that everyone is looking to to take care of my mom. I'll do it, because it is the right thing to do, and I doubt if I'll like every minute of it. I swore that one day that I'll start dating again, but hell even that has been placed in a holding pattern.

    The one thing that is pissing me off more than anything else in the world right now, my dad is smoking five fucken packs a day! At 5 dollars a pack, that is 20 dollars a fucken day just for him to smoke, my mom maybe half a pack.. maybe, but even we are having to buy her two or three because he also is smoking hers. So the number may be higher, but in 4 days that is 100 dollars. We just don't have that kind of money to burn. The nest egg that was saved in cause of something bad is used up, sure my sister gets paid, but she does not get paid a whole lot, besides she has two kids.

    I REFUSE to drop out of school because of this! I REFUSE! I'll switch schools, move away and tell everyone to kiss my very white, very southern ass before I drop out! I am the first person in my family to be sitting in a university. I REFUSE to allow this chance to just go away, because life decided to screw me over for a wee bit.

  2. #2

    Cancer, Money, School, Life giving you a huge FU!

    It is not your professor's job to do this for you. You, as the student requesting the service, need to be receptive to the demands of the people who can do that for you, especially since they're going out of there way, what with the post-deadline withdrawal, to help you.

    So, either stop bitching, or grow the fuck up, look up their office hours, go to their office, and have them sign the damn form. Christ.

    Bereavement leave is pretty standard. Hell, it's mandatory that it's given for close relatives. Something like 5 days for mother, brother, sister, father, and other immediate family. Something like 3 for grandmothers, uncles, etc.

    Bereavement leave doesn't somehow negate your obligations. Sorry.

    Have you talked to your mother about how you feel? Are you absolutely sure there aren't any options?

    Oh come on, you're just being outright dishonest with yourself here. Really? You were going to study abroad? You know, in my experience, the only people who get do that either a.) have money, or b.) are finishing more than 9 credits a semester, and not breaking university policy. Judging by the content of this post, neither applies to you.

    Dubious math skills aside, I don't see how it's your problem. Why are you the one who has to enforce personal responsibility. The way I see it, do what you can. If that's not good enough for your family, tell them to kiss off, and then you'll try to get in touch when you have your life in order.

    Are you sure a university is the right place for you? You seem to be struggling with even the basic semantics of attending one, so, it may be time to be honest with yourself. Reassess your strengths and weaknesses, etc. The only thing that does more harm than failing, is not realizing that you won't do anything but fail in this pursuit.

    I'm sorry if this seems a bit critical, but this "pity me" bullshit helps nobody, least of all, yourself.

  3. #3
    Austin F's Avatar
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    Cancer, Money, School, Life giving you a huge FU!

    I have went to office hours, he is no where to be found. I have left messages in his inbox, nothing. No reply to emails. His other office hours is when I am in class, I am unable to skip class to get this signed. It is a simple email that he has to send, two minutes and he is done with it. I do know someone within the department, that person is going to ask if he has emailed the reply in.

    I understand this, but also I have never had anyone close to me die. Sure I have had my grandparents die, but hell my grandmother was a bitch and my grandfather I really didn't know.

    No I have not talked with her yet, she is still pissed off at the world here. Her husband, her rock in life is currently dieing and there isn't a damn thing that she can do about it. I figure I'll allow her to be pissed off for a while, before I attack her with questions like that.

    Actually, before last semester I was rocking a above a 3.0 GPA semester and overall. I take around 16 credit hours every semester. A few things happen, life goes tits up. If you want to talk about breaking university policy, then have a nice chat with advising now they do some funny things with official forms. I love to go study aboard, it is kinda required for my major, so there is scholarships that help pay for it.

    Yea, math sometimes I suck at it. I don't know why I think that I am the one that personally enforce personal responsibility. I have been that way since I was a kid. I am doing what I can, I am helping my mom quit.

    Yes, it is the right place for me. Yes, this semester I have been having problems attending this semester. When the fall rolls around, I'll practically be living on campus, because I will also have a work study job, along with my classes, lab work, and working my rear off to graduate.

    Thanks for being critical. Sometimes that is what it takes.

  4. #4
    MathNerd's Avatar
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    Cancer, Money, School, Life giving you a huge FU!

    No offense, but your grammar seems to be lacking as well.

  5. #5
    Emily1005's Avatar
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    Cancer, Money, School, Life giving you a huge FU!

    Never claimed that I was an English major. Normally, I have good grammar, today is not that day.



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