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  1. #1
    !@#$%^'s Avatar
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    Fuck Marketing!!

    That's RIGHT! Fuck'em!!

    I'm damn fuckin tired of marketing! More specifically, marketing to my child!! FUCK YOU Micky D's. You got my kid hooked on all your fuckin toys that he constantly wants to go to the play place and collect your shitty little Hot Wheels!

    FUCK Post, Kellogg's, and Toucan Sam! I know that shit is good but good for ya is another story!!

    Fuck Welches, Capri Sun, HI-C, and Kool-Aid! That shit is so loaded with sugar I get a tooth ache just lookin at it!

    This Bull shit marketing to our children PISSES me off! I can't take it all away I gotta give some where but Christ they don't make it easy! My child wants whats on T.V. and it's all CRAP! So what the fuck am I supposed to do?? Not let him watch T.V. or socialize with his friends? These subliminal messages, toys at Mc Donald's Toys in the cereal, fruit drinks and soda rather than a real electrolytes! What The Fuck They lure you in and pretty soon thats all you know!!!

    Maybe I'm bein a little too anal bout this but as a parent I fucking hate the media and all the crap they shove down our throats! Don't get me started on the fucking news. It's gotten so outta hand with the scary aspect it's pathetic!

    anybody else feel the same?

  2. #2
    depoeta's Avatar
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    Fuck Marketing!!

    it's really hard to comment on this because i have nothing to add and no argument whatsoever.

  3. #3
    dayo's Avatar
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    Fuck Marketing!!

    At the end of the day it's up to the parent(s) to put their foot down and say no.

    No, you don't have to ban your kid from watching TV: maybe you could moderate how much and how often they watch.

    My parents rarely, if ever, bought us (my borther and me) junk food, soda, name-brand clothes, game consoles, expensive ass toys or any of that shit. We rarely went to McDonald's. Sure, we didn't like it but we survived. If we whined, pissed, or moaned the answer was still no. We eventually got over it.

    Just hang in there. Maybe sign them up for some classes they might enjoy (martial arts, etc.), take them to the park or something. Find things for them to do outside of the house. :happysad:

  4. #4
    roxbubbagum's Avatar
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    Fuck Marketing!!

    Um, yeah. I rant on that to the same extent you do. This fucking marketing bullshit has killed the movies, music, TV, and video games.

    I dunno about you guys, but the Japanese mentality of planning ahead instead of making a short term product with appeal, i.e. XTREME SUGAR WATER, draws in more profits over time than an eventual failure and in the end leaves the consumer more pleased and the company more profitable.

    I mean, shit. Look at Honda, Toyota, Motorola, and Nintendo. Ever read up on Japanese businesses? Fucking amazing. It's no wonder they stay standing, every product designed for the present must meet future needs, i.e. reliable engines, we have a Lexus and it's never needed any sort of repairs besides a minor tune up, and it's two years old now. It's an amazing vehicle, every switch, doodad, panel, and light beams with radiant white-hot quality. Or the expansion slot on the Famicom/NES which gave the system the nickname "Yamauchi's [President of Nintendo of Japan] Trojan Horse." If the market changes, Nintendo could add on an extra accessory, and they did.

    American businesses keep shooting themselves in the foot. You either go all the way, and last forever, or go 1/10th of the way like American businesses do and fall flat on your ass when there's a change or people just don't like you anymore. Cough...Microsoft...Cough...

    Hard to believe, my parents did the same, even with game consoles :happysad:. I never bitch about not "having something," unlike the immature spoiled rich-ass shits who live by me do.

    You want it? Work for it. It ain't my fault you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and a lump of shit in your cranium, get over it and buy a brain by selling the spoon.

  5. #5
    Marie M's Avatar
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    Fuck Marketing!!

    So very true!!! I keep it minimized as much as possible! It's a general thought, and just doesn't seem right!

  6. #6
    Kirsten A's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Fuck Marketing!!

    yes, I feel the same.



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