little nephew? My older sister and her husband does allows their son to get away with cursing and throwing temper tantrum. If they choose to run their home that way, it's their business but I don't play that crap. I'm almost 19 years old, I have a job, I go to school, I have my own apartment and I have a man. I'm going to babysit my nephew for this upcoming weekend. I love little Andre and everything but he has to listen to me. The only reason I agreed to babysit again is because he learned the hard way how to behave himself for Uncle Rico. Two weekends ago, Andre cursed at me when I denied him some ice cream until after dinner. So, I beat his *ss(with my hand) and put him in time-out for 20 minutes.

After that, he became an angel to me all of a sudden. So, when my sister and her husband came to pick up. I told them how I disciplined him and they got pissed. My brother-in-law got in my face to fight me. Him being 6'2 and at least 270lbs didn't scare me. I told him to get the f*** out of my face or there will be blood all over this house. And he backed down. My boyfriend calmed us all down and we apologized. I'm guessing they knew they were wrong, otherwise, uncle or not, they wouldn't bring their son to my house anymore. I just don't get why my sister lets her child act that way to her at his age. Our mom and dad didn't raise us that way. We used to get hit and get whatever is within their reach thrown at us just for talking back. Do you think I was right or would you side with my nephew's parents on this one?