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  1. #71
    khobbs's Avatar
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    Let's talk about BT

    I'm disabling you at TPS for that .:dry:

  2. #72
    swtkoreanpanda's Avatar
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    Let's talk about BT

    lmfao minute i joined that shitty forum all these scrubs kept tellin me how we were all family and then some indian guy kept messaging me telling me how he dreams to join sites

    left that place in the dust

    Quote Originally Posted by bas1c View Post
    I BT because it's an addiction. Same with stats and getting to those uber ranks. It's not even about the content anymore for me, unless it's a music tracker.
    how is bt an addiction u just download and go afk ...

  3. #73
    Jasson's Avatar
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    I dont usually
    I also do not comment on people or things I know nothing about, which I bring to my online stuff as well.
    I am of the view if you are going to comment about some thing at least have the manners to check it out 1st

  4. #74
    Pat Nguyen's Avatar
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    Let's talk about BT

    RE: the above, BT is one of the most unsafe forms of filesharing since everyone in every swarm can see your IP address, and all of your personal data is stored in giant databases on sites that the feds have most certainly infiltrated

    Started with torrents because limewire had too many fakes/viruses/etc and terrible quality. Also, my cousin was on OinK and I was dying to have that much music at my disposal.
    What do you feel is the ideal tracker for you, and are you a member of a site that fills those requirements?
    Content-wise it's What, and yes I'm a member there Community-wise it's probably somewhere I shouldn't mention.
    Do you feel you are on enough trackers, and what do you think is too many trackers?
    I feel like I'm on too many, especially 0-days. I'm active on maybe 9 of my trackers and download occasionally from a few more.
    What do you see the politics of BT entailing, and does it affect your actions in this field?
    Having been directly invovled in the BT world's politics, I'd say it does shape what I do. However, I feel like a ton of people have this ridiculous sense of entitlement being members of certain sites, and need to learn to stfu and get back to sharing files among themselves, which is the entire point of BT. However, the politics are sort of like a train wreck, and it's great fun to watch it all play out when you aren't involved in the particular matter.
    Do you think there is an ethos necessary when interacting, and if so, what does it consist of? By this I mean what do you think the "morals" of BT are, if you think there should be.
    This really depends on what your goals are in the BT world, and the site in question. I've found that if you simply be yourself, good things will come to you. Talking to people in IRC and helping out with the site you're on is a good way to get noticed for VIP there/invites to harder-to-get-into sites/etc. Most of my "rare" sites that some people here seem to idolize were simply spontaneously offered to me in IRC, I didn't expect them or ask for them. In most cases I didn't even know they were members of that given site. There's no need to e-dick suck, though some members here seem to believe any time you aren't acting like a total asshole towards everyone else you're kissing their asses.

    Deviated a bit there. For the ethos in general, I see filesharing as a try-before-i-buy type thing. I have ~300 CDs and a few LPs in my collection. The vast majority of these albums are from artists and genres that I never would have discovered without What and other music torrent sites. This collection is much larger than that of everyone else I know my age, including those who don't fileshare. So the record labels have profited handsomely from my filesharing habits, and I think they need to wake up and smell the free advertising. When Wolverine was leaked early, the studios thought it would be a disaster for ticket sales. Instead, it was one of the best selling movies of the summer.

  5. #75
    JordanTheGreat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianH View Post
    you're right sear.... but imo ppl who create places such as fsc with an awful tracker and a forum slower than dialup on a t1 connection ...dont give us torrenters much to enjoy except that it is ranked 9 on a traders level list
    Wow you're a real gem. I'm truly hurt.

    @Bad-Day, they're using public trackers I guess or giants like TL that's all the average user really wants is huge swarms.

  6. #76
    illinoismommy's Avatar
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    Are we all having fun yet?

  7. #77
    brother_razia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sear View Post
    @Bad-Day, they're using public trackers I guess or giants like TL that's all the average user really wants is huge swarms.
    Why the "average" user ?

  8. #78
    sneely3's Avatar
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    Well, I won't lie, I was fairly certain that Albo and Cabalo were going to come up in this thread, but I want to point out one thing. Neither of them posted a single thing that was expressing an opinion or in fact of any substance in this thread nor did either of them flame anyone or anything. And yet, they still show up as a subject matter. What gives?

    On the subject of criticism of sites, from my experience, that criticism, if it has any single thread of validity, can only serve to help the sites it's about. Hell, alot of the focuses I have had with my site have derived specifically from threads that were bashing us. Doesn't matter what the tone of the post is, if its content is valid, it's valid.

    Yes it can hurt, especially if you put heart mind and soul into your project, BUT, in mind of what duckater said, much of the criticism posted some places are made by people that don't know what they are talking about, and that makes it hard to take them all seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin
    Exactly, people should have the right to speak their mind, I mean if you have a strong feeling about something you should be able to express it. As long as you're not trolling I don't see the problem.
    What constitutes trolling then? Make no mistake, I agree with your statement, but what is the difference between critique and flame? The problem lies in the fact that we all define those two things differently, so one mans criticism is another mans slap in the face.

  9. #79
    Casey Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianH View Post
    u forgot to mention u are an ex trader and how ptn was started by a group of traders
    Get your facts straight before you post retarded comments you know nothing about.

    Intr4ns1t, epic thread.

  10. #80
    dannypopso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post

    I like pita ,true story, although I try to avoid carbs with a high glycemic index as much as possible.
    Uhm, PITA stands for pain in the ass. I guess you're a n00b at these things... or you were joking. I can never tell, tbh. :lol:

    Intr4ns1t, yeah, I agree about the being nice part. The way you were raised has a big part in it. But again, there's the problem of internet, you don't know who my parents are...

    PS: Great thread!

    PPS: About Albo and Cabalo: Constructive criticism is something that betters trackers. But the criticism that those two present is not constructive, neither is it argumented, but what bothers me the most is their approach (I'm repeating myself, I know :P). You hear a lot that at sites like TPS you have to suck dick and are not allowed to criticise sites. Not true. But if you do it the same way as those two do it here, expect to be banned. Fast.



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