Just before writing down my thoughts let me clarify one thing. I am not some attention seeker that has nothing better to do and come here and cry about his problems. Nor does my life suck. It doesn't really make sense why I feel this way, which is why I have come here in the hopes of finding someone that maybe thinks like me or has a solution.
I have never been abused before. I come from a great and loving family, have plenty of friends, have a car, and have always been a straight A student at school. I also have a social life, so don't connect this to me being a loner. The thing is, recently I have been getting thoughts about how frivolous existence really is. I realize what a small impact all of us have on the course of this world...and that how every action we make..and every achievement we make will be simply meaningless years down the road. So whats the point of working hard? I have kept up getting straight As only because I wish to get into a good college. But 100 years down the road how will it matter what college I went into? How will it matter what score I got on my SAT? And moreover, how did it matter that I even lived in this world? My thoughts on this matter are very complex so I have tried simplifying it as much as possible.
Now another point.
I have never really seen any point, or purpose in society. I mean, whats the point of social norm? Society is just full of a bunch of hypocrites that claim that "humans are greater than any other animal". And yes. You could of course argue that society is what keeps us from going savage. But look at instances throughout history. Look at all the people that were mercilessly killed in wars, look at all the tortures enacted on slaves and people from lower classes, and moreover look at how corrupt the people leading our hypocritical society really are. And you know what I hate? When people still continue that crap about humans being greater than all living things. Can't they see what small figures we really are in the scale of things? It wasn't my choice to be born in such a hypocritical society, and I am simply sick of living in it.
I simply cannot understand how people in this world can be happy, can laugh. It is almost like I am watching people being happy from a glass window, and try as I might I cannot break this window and experience it for myself. You have no idea how frustrating it is to see that everyone else is normal and happy, while I feel so detached from this world and look upon it as a whole. I can see the corruption, the hypocrisy, and moreover the whole frivolousness of existence. I don't even know if I have any psychological problem because I can act perfectly normally in society. Heck, if you saw me in public you would think of me as any other happy and energetic teen. But I wear a mask in public and at home because I do not want to alarm my family. This was a test to evaluate how many people actually have the capability to read, if you actually read the whole thing please respond with a simply Yes. I have tried talking to my parents about this but my mom generally overreacts while my dad doesn't take it seriously so I have stopped talking to them and keep it inside of me. And please don't tell me to see a psychiatrist, I don't want to be labeled as "mentally unstable" either.

If you have any advice, knowledge, or simply any personal anecdote about this then I will look forward to reading your response.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I know its long.