i have been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half. we are 19, and i love him, beyond words. i have had two relationships before him, the first lasted two years and was abusive, and the second was very brief and while i was still down about being apart from the first(i moved to a different country), and he (the new bf) broke with me after a few months.

my current bf told me two months ago that he cheated on me three times for the first month we were dating. naturally i was desolate, but i forgave him, especially considering he told me himself after he had effectively gotten away with it). obviously i cant trust him right now, i find myself questioning every little thing he does. but i love him... we've talked about marriage and kids.. and i cant imagine life without him. is this just because ive always been hurt in a relationship and have always been the "dumped" one? i just love him so much, and i know that he loves me, i just cant trust him. how do i trust again? ive heard that you can put the vase together but it will never be the same. this is quite a depressing thought. is there anyone out there who has been cheated on and trusted them again and the cheating partner has been trustworthy ever since? how did you cope?

thank you.