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  1. #1
    NOBAMA®'s Avatar

    A reporter learns of rampant registration and voter fraud at the Ohio polling places.

    When she questions a? poll worker about the matter she is told to leave. When she asked why, he tells her that poll observers are not allowed. When she tells him she is not an observer, he insists that she leave anyway and is then told that the Ohio Secretary of State has advised them there are NO RULES! Can you believe this? What are the Obamanoids trying to do to our Country? Can anyone explain what is happening in Ohio? http://www.bucksright.com/ohio-voter-fraud-poll-worker-exclaims-no-rules-1475
    I suspect there is going to be some serious trouble in Ohio about this matter. People are getting very angry about many things happening now anyway and when they start interfering with our voter rights on top of everything else, I suspect the Obamanoids will end up running away for their health and welfare. Seriously.

  2. #2
    Sasha's Avatar
    You are right. That is going on in Ohio. I have relatives there. They are very pissed off. Democrats are cheats and they lie like crazy. Oops, may I add that some Reps. are also. More good on the Reps. side as far as I see it.

  3. #3
    tammy's Avatar
    I hope they investigate this and prosecute the ones involved.

  4. #4
    Derek's Avatar
    Seems the GOP is getting desperate.

  5. #5
    Cherry D
    Cherry D's Avatar
    Voter suppression is what Rep's love to do. It's not going to work this time around. Reagan said it best. "The only way Rep's can win the White House and keep it, is to suppress the voter." Aug 1983

  6. #6
    netjr's Avatar
    In the radical left wing mind set they'd claim it justified for what happened in Florida 8 years ago.

  7. #7
    peachy's Avatar
    Not surprising. Nobama's whole campaign has been full of lefty-left-wing propoganda smears; false hopes; changing lanes without signalling; no substance.

  8. #8

  9. #9

  10. #10



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