I've read: Mortal Instruments, Clockwork Angel, Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson, The Forest of Hands and teeth, Skulduggery Pleasant, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, I've got about 40 pages of The Hobbit left.

I've got a few titles in mind but I'd also like some other ideas. If you've read the following books can you tell me what you thought of them?

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Tithe by Holly Black
Lord of the rings trilogy. (I heard this was confusing though)

What I don't want:
A forced love story, i felt that in skulduggery pleasant the author was like "well lets give valkyrie a boyfriend!" I don't want that
None of the meg cabot books, im not a fan of her writing style.

Sorry for typing so much! Thanks!