for a teenage romance idea:
16 yr old girl moves from australia to uk and starts a knew. she lost her best friend in a car accident and wants to forget it and had the perfect chance to when her father and stepmother asked her to move with them (to the uk) When she moves she didn't expect to have popular playboy go after her. He trys to get in with her but she's catious of him and doesn't go out with him (cuz he's a playboy) He was doing it for a dare from his mates but then he finds himself falling for her. Then he tries to convince her that he truely cares for her, but she doesn't believe him, so he tries to convince her, then she does and then they have all this trouble with her patrents not liking him and people at school try to break them up ect. ect.
By the way when he does it for a dare, she doesn't go out with him and i haven't thought of names yet.
Is it to cliche??? If so, can you give me some pointers on how to make it not so cliche? Thanks!!