****If you dont want to read the details just skip to cliffnotes at the bottom***

Yes, I know I posted this already but nobody is answering!!!

This girl and I used to have a thing like summer of 2009, but I want to reconnect with her. We were about to be in 10th grade. Now im in 11th grade. She doesn't go to my school but she lives in my city. She used to like me a whole lot, but we had a complicates situation so it was really hard to hang out with each other, and she moved on to someone else before we got to hang out again, and it had been almost 2 months and it was my fault not hers. she waited a while for me but im not going to go into more detail.

I just want to know how to reconnect with her, because i am nervous too. for some reason she has been on my mind lately and i wanted to. im friends with her on facebook, and i have her phone number but i think it would be weird to text her after this long. She has a boyfriend too right now :/ but they are on and off and i don't think he treats he right.

ive been with or had things with other girls since but i didint like any of them as much as the girl in the question. I also did run into her one other time like back last december, still a while ago i know but we had not been talking for a while and she was really pleased to see m, but she was in a relationship i think so i kind of blew her off, although i was nice to her.

More Details if you want to know: The reason nothing happened between us is because i met her at a place I don't want to say here because I don't want to be to specific in case she ever came across this. She liked me first and got my info and flirted with me a whole bunch, but it was during the summer and we never got to hangout because i was out of town. but she texted me first every day and wanted sexual things from me and really really liked me, and waited around for me to come back for like a month and a half but i never got to hang out with her.


Me and girl used to like eachother
havent talked to her in a year.
want to recconect with her.
nervous to do it, but reall want to
she doesnt go to my school
she has a boyfriend now. but they are on and off and i know he makes her upset a lot and doesnt treat her right.