I want to understand this mysticism, So G-D/Nature/Scientology/atheism ext. What ev3r"
We the people was pourposely put on this earth to be different, culture, race, gender ext..
However we are also the same.. We live by the 5 senses that can help us to experience life,
to physically feel, taste, see, hear, and to feel mentally comforts and discomforts.
Is it God's plan or Natures way to make us who we are? should we just accept this enigma?

When I eat food I get a feeling of a level or a scale of how good or bad it tasted and had effected my interest. Same for sound, and I guess it would conclude same for sight. We all have eyes but we each have different sense. A sense of style, interest or other things. Here is my fear" I am drawn to
a hetero life style, although I am a closet case that's where I believe I should be. I Guess we all have a rating scale of our preference. When I look at any men I don't feel any thing, however if a men is handsome and sexy I am ashamed to magnetically attracted. It is like a force of wind that is playing music to my eyes. When I look at a beautiful woman, She is mute to me for I can not hear her music and I am not activated. So is there a way? in what ways can i plug my audio from men to women, if I again shall see a beautiful woman, that I shall hear her music of attraction to my eyes.