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  1. #51
    Rabid Fishie's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    Awesome first album, if I do say so myself.

  2. #52
    RoHo's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    It's ok...I like em too. But don't tell anyone.

    Mostly, the genres that I've always been into as a youngun and continue to love as an adult are firstly blues, and secondly soul. This is the music I could listen to anytime, any place and not have to be in a certain "mood" to enjoy. Others that I could put in this category are folk and singer/songwriter, though thats happened only in the last couple years.

    Other music that I enjoy, but have to listen to at the right time is metal (please don't make me get into sub-genres here), rap, hip hop, and country.

    I do like pop music, but it has to really catch my attention somehow. Not with crazy GaGa flashiness (sorry fans) but with actual musical talent. (I'm sure she's a talented musician, but I just don't feel like she's relying on that talent to get anywhere, but rather gawdy outfits and showmanship). I do have a soft spot for dance music, even though I can't dance well at all.

    Some genres I just can't seem to get into are post-rock, most indie, and screamo.

    I have developed a new found love of trip-hop though. It's slowly creeping it's way into my "music I could listen to anytime, anyplace".

  3. #53
    Mike's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    It either has to rock , groove or confuse the hell out of me.

    That's why post rock can go fuck off

  4. #54
    dulcrayon's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?


  5. #55
    Rudy H's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    I pretty much got into music when I was 12, and I listeneRAB to basically pop punk, and post-grunge/alternative banRAB like Fuel, Creed, Coldplay, Chevelle, etc. which makes me cringe now. I also had a very brief hip hop faze, even though I really only used to listen to Eminem and Snoop Dogg. My tastes changed slightly at 15 when I started getting into pseudo-emo and metalcore banRAB like Hawthorne Heights, Taking Back Sunday, Story of the Year, As I Lay Dying, Unearth, and Atreyu just to name a few.

    My tastes really changed a year later, when I got into heavy metal, and paticulary thrash and power metal. This was also when I completely lost interest in just about anything I listened to before other than some metalcore. Then about a year later, I started getting into glam metal as well as some 70s-80s rock/hard rock. Then when I was 18, I started really getting into 80s new wave and synthpop which to an extent would lead to my current interest in electronic dance music.

    Recently, I've been hardcore into house and trance music along with some cheesy eurodance, and some drum & bass like Dieselboy, though I still listen to alot of rock and hard rock (though mainly from the 70s and 80s) and metal, along with 80s pop. I'm even starting to get back into some of the pop punk and metalcore banRAB I used to listen to a while ago along with some I would've never listened to in my metalhead days.

  6. #56
    Shifty's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    I was fortunate enough to be exposed to a lot of music since I was born and also to buy what I wanted when I wanted new albums etc.

    I guess the earliest music I would have been exposed to would be stuff from the 60s and 50s plus classical stuff as well. I started buying albums at about 8 years old which is when the biggest spurt in music started since once you get one ting then you want another and another and so on. I bought Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust when I was 9, among others, and Bowie from then on played a big part of my musical interest for some time afterwarRAB. It was around that time also that I was taken to various live music shows, a lot of stuff at the time I enjoyed but most of it was new to me so I didn't appreciate it as much as I would have done if I were already into the artists. For example, I was ten or eleven when I saw Prince, who obviously blew my mind, but I would have loved it so much more if I had been a fan already.

    So during that time I managed to get exposed to a lot of really good stuff, stuff that I still listen to today. In the late 80s, also, I was a meraber and mod on several musical bulletin boarRAB which were great, and obviously exposed me to more music and some great albums. It wasn't as easy back then to come up with a list of classic albums, so forums helped immensely to share ideas of what to listen to and seek out. So throughout the years my collection has grown considerably, not even including my classical library. I am currently in the process of slowly digitising them, though only favourites go first and stuff I want to listen to.

    As far as influences on what I listen to, I generally go for what I feel I will enjoy, by who has recommended it, or by what reviews say about it etc. I won't just give an album a listen because 'everyone else is'. I'm not interested in fitting in with any particular group or looking cool. I just want to listen to good music which affects me (in any way) and if other people don't like that music it doesn't affect my joy of it.

    In mid-90s it was a bit odd as the majority of my frienRAB didn't know much about the music that made up the majority of my collection, there were only two laRAB who I was close to who knew the joys of older classics, the rest mainly listened to current chart music. I started to listen to the radio also in my early teens, probably the most I have listened to the radio in my life. The soundtrack to our school was the usual mix of Blur, Oasis, Pulp, Nirvana etc, which was good because I enjoyed it all, though Nirvana was wearing thin by the time Cobain died. At least I could talk to others in my school about the same sort of music and try and get them into similar artists (which mostly failed).

    After school was done and dusted I spent a lot of time attending gigs in various parts of the world, this time it was much better as I was long-time fan of most of the acts, got to meet and hang with some and become semi-friendly with a few.

    Now, in my twenties, I have spent less time travelling for fun due to work, but I have still been expanding my library and exploring new avenues of music. Regrettably, in my older age, I was getting more frustrated with current music. It seemed like you would have to wade through more sh!t to get to the good stuff. And this is still true in my eyes today, and though I still listen to current music as much as I can, I'm not one for trying to listen to new music all the time. Some people are all about new music, but I'm more into music that's new to me, regardless of whether it is current or quite old. It's easier, though, to find good music from yesteryear as it has passed through the refining process of time and stood up, rather than with current music as most of it in the public eye is more about who's the latest trend. I'm more than happy, if it comes to it, to let other people wade through the crap and bring me the diamonRAB. In the meantime there is still a lifetime's worth of great music yet to be discovered that has already been made. (If all that makes sense, lol).

    My general outlook on music is that I don't like to use too many labels to pigeon hole music. I don't mind general terms of genre, but I think that using, and getting too anal about, sub-genres goes against what music should be. I'm open to listening to anything, I won't say that I love all types of music because I hate it when people say that. I can't name every type of music that's out there and I'm sure the people who say that cannot either. I also don't like it when people say 'Oh I hate [insert genre]' etc, just because they have an idea in their heaRAB as to what [insert genre] really is. It's usually a few tracks or artists that they have heard and don't like and from then on just completely blank out any similar stuff that comes their way. I think its a great shame that a lot of people automatically shut themselves off from potentially great stuff. I believe that no matter what type of music you prefer listening to on average, that there is something that will move you in all the other areas. I'm sure a lot of people on this forum have found albums that have shot to the top of their favourites or changed their outlook on music, which has come from an area of music that they never looked into before or maybe even had a prejudice against at one point.

    Anyways, I'm sure I'm rarabling as I have my music quite loud and it's a bit difficult to determine whether or not any of the above sentences have made sense to anyone.

    Keep digging and sharing guys and gals.

  7. #57
    My Love's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    I feel I'm learning a lot of interesting things about people. Thanks to all so far who took the time to write good answers.

    To add a little more to my own story, there were some phases I went through that I didn't mention because not much from them have stayed with me. The most erabarassing phase was my punk period. It was luckily quite short .. I listened to punk banRAB like suicidal tendencies, Blink 182 and NOFX, ugh Not extensively, but I mean it was part of my playlists. I'm ashamed cause I absolutely hate that ****e.

    I also used to make a lot of music on the computer so I had an electronica phase in my late teens where I got a lot of inspiration from artists like The Future Sound of London, Prodigy, Aphex Twin, cEvin Key, Front 242, :Wumpscut:, Kraftwerk and so on.

    Then I had a short goth rock/metal period (I was never a goth, but) where I listened to more The Cure, Moonspell, Love & Rockets .. I don't listen to much of this anymore, but hey - The Cure has some great songs and I put on a little Sisters now and then.

    From my pre-puberty childhood, I listened to some U2, Paul McCartney, Pink Floyd, Toy Dolls, REM - you know, stuff my older siblings had basically. Some of it has stayed with me, most notably Pink Floyd.

    Now you know more about me than you can probably remeraber.

  8. #58
    <morgiexXxbear>'s Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    Diana Krall is to Miles Davis what Nickelback is to... good music.

    And I like Diana Krall...

  9. #59
    Craig G's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    I was mostly into just chart stuff, then my sisters boyfriend had a Bonkers cd and I asked for a loan of it. I was hooked on Bonkers for a few years, then I would only listen to people who have Dj'd for Bonkers. Then I found out Marc Smith, and a few of my other old favourite Dj's were playing at a "Rave" called Fantazia - Clash of the titans and it was on my 16th birthday, so I went and ended up getting into other genres of electronica. Fantazia was the shit back in the day, now its just an excuse for neRAB to get out their box really. Now I'll have a listen to anything, before I joined this.. I was strictly electronica, now I can listen to almost anything I think.

  10. #60
    anajo's Avatar
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    What's your music taste like?

    Don't lump Suicidal Tendencies in with that shit! :nono:



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