homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. genetically women who are gay have a extra X chromosome and guys who are homo have a extra Y this mistake shows up in about a tenth of the population so what's with all these homos? is it pear pressure over the media is it something in
the food WHAT IS IT? Mtv promotes gays and lesbian they call it being bye and it's okay-no it's not!
the natural order of things is a man is attracted to a woman and a woman to have a baby by the man. you cant have a baby between two men you also can't have a baby between women that's just fact. I'm okay with the homosexual community their good people my neighbor who spoils me and my sister too death is a lesbian and my favorite funny uncle on my mom's side is gay I have no problem with them, but i do have a problem with teens who think it's cool to make out with their own sex just because they saw it on lady gaga's latest video!- it's not natural period dot
OMG i know my grammer sucks don't remind me just answer the question please! I'm only 13 and I'm getting a C in launguge arts gezz )=p
TO TB:I NEVER SAID THEY WEREN'T PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said it wasn't natural which it isn't
a woman can't have normal sex with a woman. A man can't have normal sex with a man they can do it in the butt but they're both at risk at getting an infection. and i don't have a problem with people with a extra X or Y. i have a problem with kids doing it for a trend because everyone else is doing it
that is a problem!