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  1. #1
    !!!!!'s Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Republicans often say that democrats are lazy drug smoking welfare receiving people who want the minimum wage to be as high as possible and that is about as true as saying all republicans are gun toting bible loving, in bread cowboys who have no formal education. Ofcorse none of that is true, but hey I can play unfair too. Now back too my question, I dont want a government handout, I am one of the few people who still has a job (i invested in self employment!). But whats wrong with the people asking for a little help. As the old beatles song goes "i get by with a little help with my friends". Ofcorse that was about drugs so i dont think that was a good example.

  2. #2
    !?!pessimist!?!'s Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Some has to pay for it.The US is headed to being a huge handout with few working.You need to look up what "little" means. Bill Clinton thought he was just getting a "little" help but Hillary didn't view Monica that way.

  3. #3
    tee2's Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    You answered your own question with the Beatles/drug reference.

  4. #4
    TeeHee's Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    I love the Beatles. I don't think there's anything wrong with someone needing help and asking for it. You do what you have to do to get by. If someone is truly in need and ask for assistance they should be able to get it. This is America and no one should have to do without. No matter who that person is. There are people who abuse the system, but there are also people who don't. There is no shame in asking for help.

  5. #5
    PHiLLiE$~'s Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Because somebody has to pay for it. I'm not particularly excited about supporting people like the Octu-mom. Who do you think has been paying for her Workers' Comp? Who has paid for her invetro? Who is going to support her 14 kids? You and me, pal, that's who.We should have stop-gaps for people like this all over the place, and if you're excited about feeding this woman's incompetence, than maybe you and she should go start your own country somewhere.

  6. #6
    TeeJay's Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Government is not a friend and should exist only to provide for the defense of our country and to mediate in conflicts between states. Let the states decide if they want to be a nanny state or not and we can decide whether we want to live there or not.

  7. #7
    !Andy!'s Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Well if you look at the state of affairs at this time, the only people getting help are the big guys with big companies with big money. The little guys are loosing their jobs, falling back on their payments and some even loosing their homes. I think the government should have given some sort of aid to the struggling families and single mothers too.

  8. #8
    Teeegie's Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    There's nothing wrong with it at all. Indeed, in many cases, the nation as a whole suffers when people don't take advantage of government assistance. For instance, someone I went to high school with refuses to apply for federal grant money now that he finally wants to start getting his act together (he's 24). As he explained, he believes it's "immoral" to "take money someone else earned." I replied that it was arguably much more immoral not to use such funds to increase his own productivity and thereby that of the nation, as the returns gained from his education would more than pay for themselves. It's very unfortunate, and I fear that this attitude is quite pervasive. Now, if it were simply a matter of turning down handouts/transfer payments, I could see his point. But it's not - we have Pell grants and student loans because, in the long run, everyone benefits more from education subsidies than they would have otherwise.

  9. #9
    !* HEAVEN SENT*!
    !* HEAVEN SENT*!'s Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    "Wanting" and NEEDING are 2 completely different thingsIt seems that those who 'want' it, don't need itAnd those who 'need' it (the elderly and disabled), don't want it, but some of them can't find many alternatives.Personally, I have yet to meet a welfare recipient who truly 'needs' itMy mother didn't make much money starting out when I was little, she still found a way to take care of us...She worked and managed the money extremely well, she worked her way up the ladder and makes tons of money now (she started immediately after graduating high school as a secretary at a small credit union, now she's on the board of directors and manages a corporate credit union)...If she can do it alone (NO assistance), so can others...I don't have a lot of money, but I know how to manage it...The difference between a person who chooses welfare and a person who chooses to work, is motivation and determination...No one can tell me otherwise, I've seen it for myself.

  10. #10
    Philip R
    Philip R's Avatar

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    It starts as a "little" help, but then it becomes "Gimme Gimme Gimme. I don't want to work for a living, I'll just go on the dole and let everyone else take care of me!"



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