...Country but never brings up that? the whole country Tanked under Bush's 8 years in office?

Oh, the Dems had Congress. Yeah, and I don't really remember anything exceptional being promoted by Bush or the Republicans anyways. Bush pushed through tax cuts, wars, and spending increases and yet, you are arrogant to try to act as if 2 years of Democratic leadership with a cooked economy and country is somehow too long??

The fact is that you just want your team to win and you'll say anything to acheive that end.

I'm neither. I can't stand either.
I agree that we spend too much. A shrewd government could make half as much money go twice as far. I am all about efficiency, don't get me wrong. I can't stand waste. I don't see any, lets make the money go further compaints though. All I see is spend less or spend more.