so this happened last night. my guyfriend that I fell in love with sent me this message "I can feel the essence of being alone".. I'm so worried about him and replied him why and asked him if he's okay, he honestly told me that he's not really okay..

He told me that he's so desperate and feeling so alone, not because no one cared, but when the time his pals brought their girlfriends with them for the outing where he was invited. He felt something like "out of place", since we're not really in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship and he's the ONLY one who has no girlfriend (hope you understand his situation) and envying his friends because they have their girlfriend and he don't have..He really wish that we'll be together but really felt so desperate. well, he courted me few months ago, and somewhat reject him for some reasons. He said that he don't want to suffer and involve me to his problems. it means, he want me to forget him in my life, and he even said that he should have not entered into my life. We loved each other, I expected him to understand, but I think he can't take it anymore. He wants to end everything up.

It's not easy for me of course, to stop loving him, forgetting him. NO WAY! He's somewhat drunk last night, and told me those things, people really telling their true feelings and pains when they're drunk. I understand his situation, well, I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend, my parents forbid me for that. I'm feeling in pain right now, and want some advice if I should continue or forget him already..

He told me his true feelings last christmas, and now, it'll end up in christmas too?

Please give me some opinions and advice.

I really appreciate to those who understands our situation.
Any advice about this situation, and you can give any opinions if what will happen next, or should I continue or stop....

thank you for the answers guys