I was in a shopping centre with my friend Samirah and we saw these Gay guys kissing. Samirah was like "Oooh look at that..." she was properly staring at them but I was like "That's disgusting!!"

BUT I also don't believe in straight people showing intimacy in public. I explained that to her but she still said I should be okay with gay people showing affection becuase it's makes me against gay rights or something. I TRIED to tell her again that I don't agree with public affection at all but she still raged on at me.
So am I in the wrong? I'm 15 and I just don't like public shows of affection. Like...not properly touching or kissing(I see it all the fucking time in Shopping centres) I don't like it on staright or gay. Does that make me homophobic?
@Meme - her 'ooohs' were like..She was...sort of liking it o.O
@Mikey - But what about straight people kissing in public? Why would they they thrust THEIR sexuality upon gay people?