ok we thought of this movie and we dont really know who made it my bf thinks its disney i think its something else maybe WB i really dont know but we cant think of the name of it we just remember details about it does anyone know the name of the movie

Well in the movie there is a field mouse mother who son gets sick. and she goes to find a cure for him and goes through this weird adventure and i remeber a weird owl and weird creepy rats god its so frustrating that i cant think of the name of the movies....
in the beginning the humans were doing construction and it was right at the field mices house ....

ok well thats all the details we can think of does ANYONE know the name of this movie its irritating me that i cant figure it out... i know i watched it as a kid so im guessing it came out in the 90's ..... help please

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU <3 man i feel so much better now lol that woulda kept me up all night trying to figure it out you guys are awesome HUGS!!!
oh and thanks for letting me beat my bf haha since it wasnt made by disney xD