...dionysian? Jim Morrison in his rock god pomp, how much would it be likely to cost, and where [in the uk] would i be get such a thing at the most reasonable price.

i dont want some crummy vague likeness, i want something in marble or even faux marble, but that is of a really high quality....think; michaelangelo's david, rather than pop memorabilia/souvenir tat.

also, relating to the above, i seem to remember reading somewhere of a laser-sculpting process that produces extraordinary likenesses of people accurate to the millimetre....can you hook me up with a link to such a sculpture business in the uk?

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DIONYSUS-BACCHUS-AND-COMPANION-2-Carrara-Marble-Busts-/270678346032?pt=UK_art_Sculpture_GL&hash=item3f05a fc930#ht_4841wt_830