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  1. #1
    Aryana70's Avatar

    Relux after nissen

    I had nissen fundoplication by one of the top surgeons mid April and now reflux is back. 4 weeeks after nissen I had these stomach pains and called the surgeon and he said sounRAB like you have too much stomach acid and put me back on Nexium, after 4 weeks on nexium when I visited my gyno for my other problems(endometriosis) he asked me to have a second opinion by another surgeon, this surgeon took me off nexium for H pylori and gastric level tests which both came back negative, and he said just eat regularly, since my pains at that time wern't that bad, now after being off nexium for amost 5 weeks, I have the LPR symptoms, the burning mouth, burning under breast bone, and burning the throat similar to heartburn.
    I called the surgeon and he said the only time excess stomach acid causes these pains is either when u have ulcer, or you are still refluxing. I don't think I have an unler, because the symptoms are similar to when I had my severe reflux.
    So I am having another endoscopy, and need another PH metry test.
    I asked him how could I still be refluxing if I have the wrap he said that sometimes the wrap becomes undone or it slips.
    But when I eat I have difficulty swallowing at times, which only occured after the nissen, so the wrap must still be there?
    I am really scared now, and wondering could there be something really horrible wrong, that even nissen didn't fix it? has anyone with nissen experienced this.

    I am taking gaviscon advance regularly for relief, and am scared that I have damaged my inside over the past 6 weeks by being off meRAB, can these 6 weeks cause really bad damage? My last endoscopy was 18months ago and that was fine.
    Any answers would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    MountainReader's Avatar

    Relux after nissen

    I had my Nissen in October 2008. I got a horrible viral stomach bug last fall and had horrible projectile vomiting. This really scared me because up to that point, nothing had been able to come up. I went to my Gastro who said only time would tell if my symptoms would come back. Fast forward a couple months and I had a bad asthma flare that lasted 4 months. Reflux was one of my original asthma triggers (in addition to environmental ones) so that worried me as well. It took months, but when I finally got in to see my Pulmonologist he prescribed a follow-up Barium Swallow. This really eased my mind. With a Barium Swallow, they are able to "see" the wrap and were able to tell that it was still intact and that I wasn't refluxing.

    Long answer, but you might want to ask your doctor or surgeon about that test. It really does show a lot.

    Hope you find relief soon. The Nissen was a literal lifesaver for me because it allowed me to get my breathing under control.

    BTW, I'm still on Dexilant. I never went off of the PPI's. Both my Pulmonologist and Gastro agreed on this since my reflux had been so severe and I'd developed related digestive issues. Pre-surgery the PPI's had stopped being effective, but the corabination appears to be working well now.



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