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  1. #71
    Johnwr's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure


    Yes, I had the procedure done. If you go back in the posts, I left a message on July 18, talking about the experience to that date, which was 17 days post surgery. Bottom line, things continue to go well. I'm now 12 weeks post surgery, and I'm heading out to play my first round of golf today. I have no pain in the back or legs. My feet still hurt, but I'm not sure of the cause. My leg strength is slowly coming back, but I do walk alot and do PT at a fitness center 3 times a week.

    I'm doing well. All the best to you in both your decision (a tough one) and the ultimate outcome.


  2. #72
    grundy56's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Hello Johnr,
    I just received news of your post by email, and wanted to say how pleased I am that things are working out for you thus far. It certainly sounRAB as though you are making good progress, and I know that everyone subscribing to this board will be rooting for you.
    I fully support all your observations re surgery being the last option, and also finding the best possible person to do it. You might only get one shot. All the best, and please keep us posted with updates. I hope that the last one will be when you finally return to your golfing passion, which is when your life will finally feel back on track!
    In haste, Grundy56

  3. #73
    Jdonn's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Well, change in plans...

    At the last minute my surgeon had another look at my images and concluded that Axialif was probably not the best option. He suggested either a ALIF or PLIF. After considering that for a day I decided to postpone doing any surgery for the time being. What a rollercoaster ride!

  4. #74
    grundy56's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Plaza player - Have you got the results of the MRI scan Yet?

  5. #75
    grundy56's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Hi Stay,
    Thank you for your news. I believe the leg pain, even though it is now down a different leg, will eventually go. I had brief growlings down the "wrong" leg, and have had pain, tinglings, and nurabness in my right leg, and buttock, , but these are gradually diminishing, which is good. It has taken nearly 5 months though, and they are not completely gone. I know it is tough, and awful if you can't sleep! It is particulalry worrying if it is a new pain, but this seems to be par for the course in this recovery process!
    My meeting with the surgeon was very disappointing. I had another X ray, which shows that I have broken one of the pedicle screws. I have no idea how this has happened. He has booked another MRI, which is scheduled for 16 July, and won't commit himself to any prognosis until he can see what is "going on", and what is causing the pain I am still in. Apparently the broken enRAB of the screw are still facing each other, and it may be that the facet joint will simply fuse itself and stabilise in its own good time.
    He says everyone else he has done this procedure on is doing well by this stage, so I guess I'm not helping the statistics!
    I have to say I feel pretty flat, and can't wait to get a better idea of what my sentence is likely to be. I'll let you know.
    Some things are improving. I can go for spells with no pain, and that can be a relief, even though it is transient. I am not fit for anything. I am still doing the exercises, but hardly walking at all. I have a hydrotherapy appt on Wednesday.
    I sense that you are weary and struggling too, and I wish you well.
    Best wishes to both of you.

  6. #76
    jadenback's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    Thanks to you both for the reply. I'm sorry to hear you are both having such a hard time still. Seems like there should be more solutions for folks out there. I hope everyone here can find something to help them.

    My dad's issue started with nerve pain down his legs and his feet. If he walked too long, they would go nurab. The Dr's told him that if he waited too long it could cause nerve damage as they said a disk had been damaged and was likely pressing on a nerve, although they couldn't say for certain. He had the axilif surgery in March. So it has been 7 months. Now his pain is far far worse in his legs and feet. His back now has pain where he never had it before. He can't twist his back without major pain. The axialif surgeon has essentially shrugged his shoulders, said sorry and sent us on our way. The pain management Dr has said it is likely permanent nerve damage. I have a hard time believing this as his pain is worse in his legs and feet than before the surgery and now there is new pain. I could potentially accept this answer if the pain was exactly the same.

    MRI's have shown that the screws are stable, although I don't know what kind of screws were used. I will try to find the answer to that. The MRI also show no reason at all why he would have the pain. Everything looks normal. I have read a few folks saying that the screw(s) could be touching a nerve or perhaps there is internal scar tissue. Would an MRI show that?

    That is about all I can tell you about the situation from the medical perspective. I know I don't need to tell you about the emotional side as you are all living it. We just want to see him better and happy.


  7. #77
    plaza player
    plaza player's Avatar

    Axialif Procedure/Trans 1 procedure

    No Probs, and if you need to ask anything, just write it in here and me or Grundy will tell you how it is cos we both been there.
    I too was in much more pain than before the Op, and again they dont know why, I think the MRI cant pick up scar tissues or the really small nerve endings, so yes it is obv to me that there could be nerve damage, but my surgeon told me the AxiaLif goes nowhere near the nerves to cause such effect with the amount of pain I experienced after, and I guess your father to. It is obv to me that something is touching the nerves somewhere hence the shooting pain, but she could not see anything when I went for the 2nd Op to try and correct it. So its got to be something smaller thats not being picked up on the MRI's, But hey ho, we try and carry on.
    The only gripe is the constant hassle from the benefit people who seem to think there is Jack all wrong with me, and stop the benefits for that reason, even though I have a million people looking after me and countless pill taking.
    But thats me moaning, and slightly off topic.............

    So if you need anything Jadenback just hollow :wave:



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