I'm currently interested in writing a romance novel. I know everyone has one in them. And was brainstorming ideas, came across one I thought to be unique! a pensive romance perhaps? Are people into them? I am not a large reader and seldom talk about romance or anything intertwined with the drug, so critique as you will Maybe in a way it's like Paradise by Judith McNaught? Anyways...
There is an introverted, detached and reserved boy, who was left by his parents quite young. He's in a way quite pathetic and seen as weak. He repulses society and friends because of his parents. Stuck in this mindset that as you peel off layers you see the self-centered bastard entities shine through. One day (as he's sitting on the bus alone staring through a window with his transparent reflection shining back at him) a girl steps onto the bus. He'd never been interested in woman and was slightly obtuse, up until then...She was tenuous, but had prominent greyish eyes..Her hair, a mass of dreamy undernourished straw with signs of opaque amber coursing through. (Appearances from a model I once met, should they be used?) She was ethereal. Pale to say the least, but I loved that. To me, a sense of maturity and true beauty. ANYWAYS, sorry haha. She sat at the back, like him, on the opposite side, emotionally, they were duplicate. She had little care for men with refined jaws and masculine builds. In her, he saw a light, a spark that he would hope to turn into a fire. He looked through the reflection once again like he had before. But with a new purpose, he looked in awe at the natural beauty endowed within her. He opened up, in him was a new person. He must summon courage to talk to this girl. He turned to her, she looked at him. A frail smile and she turned back to her window. Far out I'm explaining too much. He meets her, they connect, he hasn't anything to say to her but she sees in him what no one could see. She peeled back what he looked like and saw in him a misunderstood character. He wants more, but it is quick apparent she wants a platonic relationship with this man. He studied psychology at university. Sorry for the random information instances btw :/ He gathers himself and asks her out, she says no, but he sees that she was hiding something, true emotion for him perhaps? Anyways he finishes uni and he moves away. it skips ten years to a point where he is now a psychologist. He still thinks about her, he yearned for her, but now he sees that he allured him with her beguiling charm. She tracks him down. A small town with a pop. of 1300 people. She notices he is treating people at the local clinic. She schedules an appointment with him. She says she loves him and she's been wanting to make things right :/ He cries, tells her to go away as he is fixated with his mind telling him she's just going to spit him back out again. She sees no avail. She leaves, a few months later, he recollects his thoughts and pensively ruminates the thought of going back to his home town, he decides to go, he goes back to his old house to find her diary from when she was young, in this diary was the reason she couldn't be with him. He feels bad bla bla he tries to find her, only finds her brother sitting in her families old house. He had quit his job to look after his stubborn mum who did not want to go to a retirement village. Brother tells her that his sister, the one the man now loves left a month ago without warning, no one knew where she would be. He desperately tries to find her. Everyday for a month he'd sit at the old spot where they used to sit at and talk for hours on end.23 days had passed. no sign of her, he was losing hope bla bla, she comes, explains her absence, he's speechless, he'd been a fool, he once again saw her true beauty, her seemingly luminous grey eyes now burdened with emotion and age. He said not a word, but leaned over and blandly kissed her on the cheek, rubbing skin, she looked at him, they shared an obvious bond, he gave her a frail smile like she had to him 10 years ago, her immaculate neutral skin lit up with supreme beatitude, she moved in, he moved closer, he raised his hand and coasted his hand through her fine amber hair. They gently kissed. They had been waiting for that kiss a long time. The frail smile he once wore changed into that of a young boys. He had never felt the touch of a woman, too nervous to kiss again, to make a fool of himself with his quaking lips, he was reassured by her, the love. He asked why she had left, he then realised that she too, repulsed society. in a way they were synonymous? More to come, I'm thinking of when I type as well. What needs work? Is there hope for this story? Even if it's one word answer I don't mind, I'm young. I'm ignorant, I will mature, is book writing something I should be doing? I am getting criticized by myself. I'm doubtful. And sorry everyone it's incoherent. But to me.