Intro: I'm a fourteen year old boy.

1. I'm a whimp. What's the best way to build muscles? What I've been doing so far is around 20 push ups (I know, pathetic), 10 pull ups (even worse), about 3 mins of sit ups and about 2 mins of squat. What should I do to help imrove?

2. What can I do to get better breath? I already brush my teeth every night, and I floss. I sometimes even use mouthwash, but if I don't have any, I just use water instead. I know about orabrush but I'm too lazy to go and buy one.

3. Whiter teeth? My teeth are (almost) bright yellow and VERY VERY out of shape. They're straight, so I don't need braces, but they're very oddly shaped.

4. How do I sweat less? I always smell like s***! Yes, I shower everyday. I use bodywash 2 times, but still, I don't smell good.

5. Dandruff. Oh my gawd. Dandruff shampoo just makes it worse. I shampoo correctly.

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