I am getting sick with all the biased reviews online stating how Verizon has a so much more reliable network compared to ATT. Most of the Verizon fanboys can not comprehend that their network does not have to deal with the same stress levels. Not saying it does not have it's fair share of smart phones, but face it, ATT has the bigger pool of smarties that use data.

My question is.. Do you think that once more and more heavy data-hoggers switch to Verizion for their unlimited internet they will experience the same problem? Me personally, yes. 2% of the activated phones on ATT were accountable for over 60% of the entire usage of the network. Ridiculous to say the least.
Hmmm.. That used to be a problem in my area. But about two years ago a new cell tower went up fairly close to where I live and now I average around 3-5 bars. The lowest it has dropped to was 2 and that was only because the weather outside was crazy.