I am hoping to adopt a dog in a year or so and I am starting my breed research, looking for suggestions. Here are the particulars...

-i have owned a toy breed terrier. not a huge fan, but i wouldnt rule it out. i had an affenpinscher and am more interested in a dog that is going to be friendly with more than one person and more willing to play.

- i have experience with dominant breeds, but nothing that the apartment is likely to ban. no pitties. .

- i will be living in an apartment. small and large dogs allowed, but a small dog is preferred in case i have to move.

-can commit to a daily 45 min to an hour walk, plus a free run at least once or twice a week in a fenced yard or dog park. plus lots of indoor play in the evenings.

- don't want to have to deal with hair cuts. brushing, bathing, and nail clipping are fine. just no groomer.

-breeds that are known to be quieter are preferred, since it is an apartment. i know all dogs bark and i embrace that, but i know some breeds are less likely than others to bark just to bark or because the wind blew, and i am more interested in those dogs.

- has to be able to live with being alone for a few hours. i work five days a week from 8:30 to 5. i train my (small) dogs to use an indoor bathroom arrangement so that is not an issue, and someone will be available to visit in the afternoon often but i am not sure if i can guarantee that every day yet. i am always home on weekends and in the evenings. i am aware this may mean that any dog is out of the question, but i at least want to do my research before i give up!

-i am planning on adopting a young ADULT, not a puppy.

i was interested in whippets but was concerned that i wouldnt be home often enough for their sensitive natures or that the exercise wouldnt be enough. was also interested in pugs but it sounds like they have a LOT of health issues. any thoughts?