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  1. #1

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    they all have their strengths and weaknesses at the moment. from what i know (which isn't much, i'll admit it) they all have plenty of potential to equally compete.

    ps3 is more powerful, but lacks good software so far
    xbox has bomb games, and also looks good and all that shit
    wii is hella innovative ftw, never played it, but its doing well

    is it so hard to imagine all three doing well?

  2. #2
    Tacos's Avatar

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    Dec 2009

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    btw i don't really predict this.. it's just a possibility, and it hink there's too much bullshit trolling n all that shit. i have a ps3 and an xbox 360... so far 360 takes the bacon with GoW, but ps3 will have some good shit in 07

  3. #3

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    eh i saw a ps3 at best buy, looked fucking fantastic, but i ended up buying a wii after playing it at a friends house, was just too much fun. However, if i could afford the 600 bucks i'd have a ps3 as well. Its just to me the wii is more bang for the buck, for now.

  4. #4

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    can anyone say ps3 and 360 price drop time? that would be the ultimate lashback when they do their price drops.

    but to respond to the thread. yes they will all do very well. there are enough fanboys across this world to keep each and every company going

  5. #5

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    id agree, all 3 of them will have awesome sales. some at different parts of their life cycles pending big game releases or in nintendos case, a ton at launch with the amount they had available. all 3 will have those titles that people will have to have and that alone will sell consoles.

  6. #6

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    way to make a bitchin prediction about consumers wanting new electronic devices nostradamus

  7. #7

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    hahaha, that's a good one

  8. #8

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    lol who the fuck are you. i said that they will all be successful and they have potential to all equally be favored. not like last gen where gamecube was complete shit and ps2 beat xbox.

    fuckin dec 06

  9. #9

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    The only winner I can see out there is the XBox360. If the Wii doesn't get the games it'll die just like the N64 and the GC. Now that I am a Wii owner there is only 1 game I wanted: Z:TP. I waited the long drought between Z:OOT and Z:TP - there was no way I was going to play the filler between the two on the GC.

    So, just like every other new console, I expect there to be a football game, a racing game, a fighting game, a flying game and a shooter. Ho hum. Every 8 out of 10 games will be forgettable or trash. Yeah, I saw that really nice looking bike racing game on the PS3. Ho hum. They'll make a spanking looking Teken game. Ho hum. Madden 2006 is still better than Madden 2007. Ho hum.

    The next revolution will have to be in RPGs, where people talk to you without your initiating the conversations, where there will not be a need for dialogue boxes, where the music can be chosen. There's certainly plenty of room to do so.

    I have about a dozen PS1 games, a dozen N64 games, a dozen PS2 games and I expect about the same amount of great games from any system. Life is too short to waste it playing crappy games.

  10. #10

    i predict that all of the next gen consoles will do well

    Ho Hum!

    not sure what you're saying, but the Wii can still do fine, it's revolutionary enough for all types of players to want to get a new one and i'm sure that there will be plenty of decent games for it to come.

    as for the ps3, there are plenty of reasons why it will succeed just as much as the 360



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