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  1. #11
    Ms.P's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    Don't you know? It's kinda stupid how M$ can't get one M$ product to work properly with another M$ product.
    Don't you just love management?

  2. #12

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    well, that sounds good; I'll be honest, though, that I don't see how this is, directly, a problem with MS talking with MS. Handbase isn't from MS; if you were trying to directly sync WM-Access to WinXP-Access and were having these issues, then, hell yes, its an MS-MS thing. my 2?

    oops, forgot: really good investigative analysis, Joe. totally serious.

  3. #13
    z kat's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    I agree that this is just a poor implementation by HandBase. If they can't come up with a sync with a feature they know is present in Access, then they've done a poor job of programming, and shouldn't be selling the product for money.

  4. #14

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    Agreed, Rick, re: HanDBase being DDH instead of M$. Stan is correct, though: It's a poor implementation of the sync. Worse than poor.

    As for the M$ > M$ vs M$ > DDH thing - Since M$ gives the "impression" that a WM device will work with M$ desktop apps (OL Mobile, Office Mobile, etc etc etc,) why they don't include, or at least offer an upgrade for, some sort of database app is just a glaring hole in their "scheme." I remember coming across something on one of the WM support pages at M$ recommending HB for Access stuff. Same thing with M$ Money - There's supposedly a WM version included which, get this, is a trial of Ultrasoft Money. Go figure. At any rate, M$ apparently includes 3rd party apps as part of their "integration," and since they don't have their own, they have a finger in that pot IMHO.

    As I mentioned to some folks earlier, my migration to WM has been, for the most part, pretty good. Considering it's a major platform jump, it's gone relatively smoothly. Until... The whole lack of function for M$ docs on a M$ powered device is more than a huge disappointment. I have more time and energy and money invested in getting their own docs functional than everything else combined with my device move (the actual device hardware excepted, of course.) I think that says all there is to say about that!

    In this regard, I suspect Apple has very good reason to be arrogant - For whatever restrictions and gating they might be guilty of, they seem (based solely on posts / comments by others) to at least have their ecosystem integration in top form.

  5. #15

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    I'm BAAAaaack! And not with a good report.

    Avoid DDH HanDBase like the plague if you have any interest in syncing a M$ Access database to your Windows Mobile device!

    After 6+ months of problems, unreliability, and a general PITA with HanDBase, I'm done. A recent update would, I hoped, improve things. WRONG! Much to my horror, the "new and improved" version was worse than the previous. So I have removed HanDBase from Touchie and Lappie, and I've scrubbed each registry of all traces of DDH or HanDBase. They shall never again be allowed to pollute a system I use.

    So where does this leave those of us who want to take an Access database along in our pocket? SOL. That's where. M$ obviously can't integrate their own apps, and they can't even recommend a functional 3rd party for some of their gaps. My primary ire, however, is aimed squarely at DDH - As far as I'm concerned, they have blatantly lied in every marketing statement they've published regarding Access sync. It simply does NOT work. What I thought was some limited success before was a freak exception. The entire setup is a disaster, has NO functionality for syncing Access db's and, worse, is a high risk for corruption of the original data.

    I've dumped the Access tables I most want to carry along into an Excel spreadsheet that I can keep on my SD card and use Softmaker Office (not that lame-@$$ excuse called Office Mobile.) Yes, this means I will be maintaining the same data in two files / formats, but that will be much simpler than trying to deal with HanDBase. He!!, printing hardcopy reports from Access and lugging around a 3-ring binder would be easier, more convenient, and faster.

    Yes, I'm PO'd. Could you tell?

    On a brighter note: I'm quite settled into WM after half a year and, excepting this unmitigated disaster and a couple of other annoyances, it is working very well for me. In fact, I've had a couple of iPhone fanboys drool at some of the capabilities I have on Touchie that they don't. Hehhehheh... My move to WM, given that I had to move if I wanted a new device last autumn, was definitely the right move for me.

    Now, anybody got any other suggestions (recent developments, perhaps?) for syncing an Access db to a WM device?

  6. #16

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    Joe, in your very considerate opinion, WTF is wrong with MS and their own platforms? I mean, databases (heed my words) add up to some 60% of the current software technology. Were not by this thread of yours, I would've thought Microsoft should have the BEST Access implementation for mobile.

    I am just chewing the chances for a platform move-on. My eyes were somewhat focused on Symbian, but I gotta admit all I've absorbed about it is Antoine's enthusiasm for the platform; in digital tech subjects, AW has turned out to be a powerful influence in me. Next comes Android, but AFAIG it is in diapers, however evolved I don't see many of the commodities of recent platforms, that or I've also got it all wrong and it's a whole new mobile paradigm. No interest at all in BB. Nothing but curiosity for iPod/iPhone/whatchamacallit OS. Last but not least, WM in any flavor; I know it's no digital tech heaven, but it is very ubiquitous, usually addressed as functional, and speaking of influence, you, Mi An and Jig have made quite the same move into it. Can't tell you're not a powerful influence to me as well. While Jig and Mi An are something of power users, my expectations pretty much resemble yours. Something that converges personal and workie without that much tinkering, PAYG, and in a condition where 'creating a working system' doesn't mean 'make me trip with my own feet'.

    (Using Palmie's terms) I've also made a bunch of iPhone dudes drool with what I can do with much much different platforms. For the sole exception of a Moto SLVR, in mobile currently I'm 100% Palm OS. OK, I can't play Garbage Pail Kids or Lightsaber, but that is so irrelevant to me, while I can receive email through a Microsoft Exchange server, or geez how difficult open an MS Word document, without reassembling a whole mobile system throughout the evening

    News Flash acknowledged: when I'm in the position to choose, I'll avoid HanDBase like the plague

  7. #17

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    As I mentioned, I've been very happy with WM, overall. In my experience so far, it has proven to be remarkably stable - The only hard reset I've done was when I upgraded from 6.1 to 6.5, I think I've only done 2 or 3 soft resets due to a "hang" or glitch of some sort, and I've simply not experienced a lot of the issues I've read about. Yes, there are some "quirks," but in all fairness, those are probably more "perception" on my part than real problems, since I had nearly 10 years of Palm OS experience and any other platform was a significant departure from that.

    I probably fall into the category of a "power-user," but certainly not to the level of most. I'm not afraid to tweak on my registry, I've installed a number of OS / system tweaks and add-ins to improve the functionality for my personal uses and preferences, etc. A big PLUS for WM, IMHO, is the fact that I CAN make those tweaks - I'm not locked in to what some programmer half-way around the world thinks I need to do.

    But the massive black hole between M$'s desktop apps and mobile apps is utterly confusing and ridiculous to me. As I also mentioned, there are some very good 3rd party solutions to fill the gaps. Until you get to Access db's. I simply don't understand... This is not rocket science - I've been effortlessly and flawlessly syncing Access tables to the old Palm OS' SLTG for years. Moving to the newer, "more powerful," and slicker WM platform, however, was a major step backwards in that regard. Looking forward, I'm hoping there's a solution with Android when the time comes for me to move again. With WM, however, it seems those of us who might want to take an Access db along with us in our pocket are SOL.

    As for HanDBase - Most of my distaste stems from the fact that DDH actively promotes their product as having sync capability with Access. It's simply not true, in any form or fashion. I don't feel misled - I feel deliberately lied to. In thinking about, I can't even understand why anyone would buy HanDBase solely for the mobile app. There's nothing wrong with that particular aspect of HB, but the free HandyShopper will do everything that HB will do (for me,) and do it more quickly and easily, and with more flexibility, than HB. So why spend the $30?

    For your future migration, assuming your uses and preferences remain similar to mine, I think Android is the best potential platform to watch. Yes, it's still in its infancy in some ways, but it is growing very quickly. And for now, at least, it still retains some of the functionality and capability to which you're (and I'm) accustomed.

    I've been watching Hook's experiences with Android with particular interest, since his use is more similar to mine than most users, and so far I'm impressed. I'm not planning to migrate anytime soon, which might be a good thing - In another year or two I suspect the Droid platform will be quite sound and well-rounded as far as apps and such are concerned. My only concern is that it might, like so many other platforms, become more solely cloud-based. In that case, unless there are some revolutionary explosions in all aspects of the cloud, I'm simply not interested. At all. For now, though, I'm optimistic!

  8. #18

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    OK, REALLY GOT MY INTEREST (darn caps lock) so I went to the DDHsoftware site. this caught my attention:

    sorry, uh, quotes around synchronization? what a bunch of rip-off artists

  9. #19

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    I can assure you, even with 30 minutes of "setup" for each table to be "synced," there is NO sync. There's sporadic transfer of some data, along with a jumbling of records, dropping of random fields within records, and it can't even display an Arial font consistently. Forget about an integer number, or a floating point number with zero decimal places. And let's not overlook the fields added to the db structure.

    Now, perhaps somewhere, somehow, in the haze of whatever they've been smoking, they call that "synchronization." I call it a dysfunctional CF.

    So I've cut my losses and given up on yet another aspect of mobile functionality. It simply doesn't exist. And I find the usefulness and productivity of mobile computing shrinking yet again.

    Next thing you know, I'll be back to spiral-bound notebooks. To augment my growing use of Post-It Notes, of course.

  10. #20

    M$ Access Files Synced to Device

    Sorry, J-Boy, I wasn't willing to undermine your expertise status by keeping you off the list of power users I mentioned. I was unaware you tweak that deep. It's just that you usually keep your contributions to the non-power descriptions level (that by no means imply you're not a power user).

    This is a rip-off. That DDH doesn't suggest that you may do that kind of sync. It is mentioned as an expected feature. They should be put out of business.



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