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  1. #1

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Well they are both official and at the Palm Web Site.

    You can look at the specs overthere but the T/X is what the T5 should have been with WiFi. It will be interesting to see if this puppy sells and for $299, it's not a bad deal except that I think it's a year late.

    The Z22 will be appealing to the entry level Palm wannabe.

  2. #2

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Read a real informative review here:

  3. #3

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Moose Man, I agree with you it should have been out last year and is what the T5 should have been. Given my experience with rapid battery drain when using WiFi with my T3 and WiFi SD card, I wonder what the TX's battery life will be with a heavy WiFi user? If it's less than an hour, I wonder why the TX was not designed with a replaceable battery, like the Treo 650? ... As you said, not a bad price, though.

    junglemike, I tried your link and it did not work for me. FYI.


  4. #4

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    One year too late? I think two years would be about right. It took them this long to catch up to where Sony was.

  5. #5

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Ooooh! It's a... It's a.....

    It's a T5 with WiFi. This is Palm's big new offering?!*!

    I weep for the future.

  6. #6

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    True enough, but when you consider the fact that you get an extra add-on and practically get paid fifty bucks for it...it's not so bad.

    T|E @ $349: http://www.palm.com/us/products/handhelds/tungsten-t5/
    T|X @ $299: http://www.palm.com/us/products/handhelds/tx/

  7. #7

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    At $299 and a "working T5 with WiFi," however . . . . it is at least a good replacement for a broken T3. I'd probably take it although the backup problems are still a major factor until resolved fully (they may be already?).

    It's at least something, and looks pretty sharp. The Z22 would be good for my Mom, for instance - who's using a Sharp Wizard right now!

  8. #8

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Wait a sec ... I looked at Palm's comparison chart ( http://www.palm.com/us/products/compare/ ) and the TX has one-half the RAM of the T5 (128MB vs 256MB) and one-fourth less processor speed (312MHz vs 416MHz.) ... I guess they needed to drop the CPU speed for longer battery life, given the WiFi, but why decrease the RAM, since in the TX it probably occupies the same physical space/volume as that in the T5?


  9. #9

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    The T5 had only 64MB of usable RAM. The other 256 was a virtual internal SD card which was virtually worthless except for Photo's etc. You couldn't run programs on it and it caused the reset time to go through the roof. So, they opted to leave it out and double the RAM. Which is a better option as far as I'm concerned.

    And the "read" on the lower processing power is as you stated - battery life because of the wifi.

    So in some minds, the TX is actually "back wards" compared to the T5.

    It does not bode well regardless.

    The TX should have been a QVGA Screen to keep up with the Dell's and the HPs (PPC devices) that came out with it over a year ago.

    Is that a hammer and nail (going into the coffin) that I hear?

  10. #10

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Thanks, Moose Man, for explaining the RAM thing - I was puzzled too, and wrote it off to "Oh well, that'll be the "TX2."

    I can't explain the slowdown in the processor though - everyone's "curve" is going up except new Palms? You'd think it would be at least the same. Nonetheless, we've all read enough "overclocking" threads on here to realize that it most likely won't have an effect.

    I've read some reviews that claim the T5 had a 5 hour battery . . . the TX has 4 hr. That's with no WiFi. So battery life is "apparently" worse.

    I'm frankly overjoyed that the "virtual internal SD Card is gone;" from 64 "useable" to 128 (actually I think 100) useable is good enough for me. Think I'm talking myself into it . . . . it might just be the "last one" . . . . .

    Also - let's not race down to Best Buy today - remember they always bring another "slightly improved model" to the table around 60 days later (M515, T2) - so the "TX2" in (January?) might really be something better - like 400MHz/ "true" 256MB. It's a start, in my view . . . as George Will said about electing new Congress members - "Their FIRST vow should be "do no harm!""

    Palm at least haven't done any "harm" here - it's a working T5 with WiFi - and while that's 18 month old news, at least it's HERE. Now we wait - but in the meantime if your T3 goes South, you've got a replacement. I'm excited I get permanent landscape, can incorporate the "graffiti area" and still have a closed T3 viewing area - and therefore 1)won't scratch up the screen writing on it, and 2) can make full use of TealLaunch "silkscreen pad strokes" to launch apps again. I'm quite happy, actually! Now if I can just get a definitive answer on whether jkware's CardBackup works on it, and if TealBackup is glitch free. I notice Tealpoint released a new "TealMover" and the comments were "made some tweaks for upcoming model compatibility." That may have something to do with the changeover from internal SD Card T5 problems to this unit - if I can have my 4 backups to the SD Card intact like on my T3 -- I think I'll grab one. In January. Ok, maybe sooner. Oh, dammit, let's support the "good old team" and all get one. What the hell. After all - there may NOT be a "TX2," and if these dry up we'll all be hosed out of using our favorite Palm apps. Hmmmm . . . . . to wait or not to wait . . . .



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