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  1. #1

    Oggy and the cockroaches - a modern-day Tom&Jerry

    Been watching oggy and the cockroaches all over again and again and again since 1998 with the first season in France ( LOL ) and the 2nd season all over again until the 3rd season ( In 2008 ) appeared on DC-asia . Now? I still watch them like a daily activity from the 1st :"Chocolat amer" to "To Served and Protect". I have to say :"Nice work, Gaumont "
    After 13 years ( and yet, still continue ), i may have some words to all of rabroad and also : Gaumont film company ^^ .
    First : story pilot and stuff

    "from Wikipedia"
    Inside, this show got :195 episodes, but from season 3 ( from ep 157 : octopus ) the animation could had been changed in drawing styles ( like Zic and Sharko we see today ). PLUS : S1 and S2 have never been on S.E.A ? ( WTH with THAT ??? ). As you can see, i said :"watch s1 and s2 all over again". That was 3 years i lived in France, and when i'm in Vietnam ... DC only show S3 ... and i had to watch on youtube ~~" instead.
    For the character, they did a very well job to make oggy looks fat, funny and 2 words : "lazy" - "paranoid" on his head all the time
    The cockroaches, i don't know about this but they did a fine job on those "cricket" too ^^. Of course, every cartoon need a dictator or "control freaks" like Jack, and a "peace-greed" - that went well for Bob - the nextdoor bull dog.
    For the people, French people ... I don't know , maybe i can't imagine how a French looks in cartoon LOL .
    The pranks is or maybe similar to "Tom & Jerry" (T&J for shorts )'s pranks, piano on a ropes, anvils on head, and when u r hit, your face or body part could end up like a pudding but, T&J missed that, O&TCs had used all the potentials they had to make this show to a whole new level, when Tom in T&J died, it's just a dream, but in O&TCs, when the 3-o roaches died, they rose and turned into phantom, haunting Oggy and Oggy had to use the old exorcist book to resummon and revive the roaches from death.
    In the show, oggy's relative is quite "oggy-liked" like Monica, oggy sister whose appearance was just like : oggy with eyelashes, blond long hair and wearing inline skates. However, they didn't misused that with Oggy's cousin a.k.a a macho control-freak : Jack. But, one part of there body showed the relative to them : the nose. Maybe they changed in s3, but in s1 and 2, both oggy and jack's nose are like doggy chew toy. Squeak and squeak, also nose are removeable LOL (again).
    In special occasions such as Christmas, both T&J and O&TCs had suprises for each and every character. T&J had more advantages because they use sharing and loving between characters. However, O&TCs maybe had some new tricks for the character that other cartoons never had before. Let me show them to you :
    - In the episode "Remue Meninges" ( or Toy R Oggy ) : Jack's brain was pulled out and everytime the roaches put that tiny little brain in, the brain will work inside the thing that contain the brain - yes for food and toy also.
    - In "Noe~l au Balcon, PACTISON" ( or Green Peace ), 2 side : devil and angel fought with each other because Oggy wanted to chop down the pine tree for Christmas, but in the end, Santa had ruined all by accidently tripped and fell on the last pine tree, then, the angel had to be friend with the devil and also, the cockroaches who ruined every pine tree that Oggy brought in.
    For the Intro, Oggy may had taller point of view, both T&J and O&TCs had the name of their company or producer ( MGM and Gaumont ), but instead of just short intro music, Oggy had it's own theme song, between the bzzz and the meow, combined together, we had heard the opening of a story between a blue cat and 3 cockroaches.
    For the emotions, they used baby cries, fazt laugh and HAHAHAHA very well. Oh, and for the lulz, oggy could be a cat or not, because he had cat suits and baby suits .
    But, if i had to choose who better than who ? I will choose T&J, maybe Oggy better then Tom Jerry alittle bit but Tom Jerry is Oggy's ancestor ( also, on IMDB : oggy 8.2 - Tom jerry 9.2 )
    So that's all i want to tell you !
    Plz tell me what you think about Oggy

    Voles de bonbons
    *script script* *break* *OUCH!*

  2. #2

    Oggy and the cockroaches - a modern-day Tom&Jerry

    I love this show, it is second only to Ren and Stimpy when it comes to constantly coming up with hilarious, disorted expressions on the characters (which is what the characters get when they get hurt in this series). The animation is great to and it's a shame the the show isn't more well known.

  3. #3

    Oggy and the cockroaches - a modern-day Tom&Jerry

    no rly @@, they deserve many award as well as tom and jerry , but appear in France, u will no know much @@



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