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  1. #41

    Iphone - vs. Eris vs. Omnia II: User Going back to VZW - HELP

    might snag a Tour off of craigslist or try the new curve or try the omnia 2 on wed. not sure have not decided. The speech to text on the omnia looks useful but not too sure if that really works. Tour do anything like that?

  2. #42
    bEI's Avatar

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    Iphone - vs. Eris vs. Omnia II: User Going back to VZW - HELP

    Hey ducan hope you haven't given up on the Eris just yet. Check out
    http://www.droid-eris.com/ - It's a forum for owners that from what I've read so far has found solutions to most of the problems you've had with the Eris so far, especially in terms of battery life, the native sms system, and the phone not being allowed to sleep. Sometime mid december there is going to be a bug fix patch for the Eris, and by January 22nd if all goes well it'll be on either droid 2.0 or 2.1 which will address even more issues.

    Hopefully things will work out for your Eris, but I'd like to thank you for helping me make a decision. I've been on the fence deciding between the iPhone and the Eris. I like Verizon for their service and Apple for their products which left me sh*t outta luck until I found the Eris. You're right it's nice and small and feels great in the hand, and after taking a look at it's specs, it's price and it's upcoming software updates I couldn't believe I found something I wanted almost as much as the iPhone.

    I've been battling back and forth between the two for a week, as much as I'd like an iPhone my gut tells me the Eris. I'm not heavy user like you so it suits me perfectly, I won't have to worry about dropped calls, and for some reason I can't help but liking it a bit more just because it isn't an all mighty iPhone.

    I think your dropped call horror stories seal the deal for me, especially since I live in NYC, and hopefully by the time my two year contract on the Eris is up Verizon will have the iPhone.

  3. #43

    Iphone - vs. Eris vs. Omnia II: User Going back to VZW - HELP

    im in midtown all the time. the iphone was basicly not useable as a phone on the street.

    My eris update: My first one stopped receiving SMS s and verizon finally gave up and ggave me a new one this week. The new one has none of hte issues the old one did (100% awake, bluetooth, etc.) and it is clear to me i had a bad phone. I am now back in love with the Eris again.

    There are things that are better on it that the iphone and worse. It will be a tough decision for me when verizon does carry the iphone.

  4. #44

    Iphone - vs. Eris vs. Omnia II: User Going back to VZW - HELP

    Glad to hear more good news about the Eris, surprised to hear you say you'd have trouble choosing between it and the iPhone once it's on Verizon. The more I read about it the happier I am that I've decided to go with it. I think the Android Market place will soon give the Apple's App Store a run for it's money. While Apple will always have the advantage I've heard that many developers are flocking to the Droid OS because it isn't bogged down by Apple's ridiculous approval process.

    Even though things are working out for your Eris right now I'd still recommend checking out http://www.droid-eris.com/ - There's a bit of fan boy-ism but on whole they are doing the real market testing that should have been done by HTC and are streamlining the phone, turning it into one hell of a machine. Guess it's a bit easier when you don't have to jailbreak a phone. I'm a huge fan of Apple but I think the Android line will be it's first big competitor. It started strong, albeit with some kinks, but HTC is on top of it with it's December and January updates. I think it's app market is going to take off too. All in all, it's look like android might have an exciting future ahead of it.

  5. #45

    Iphone - vs. Eris vs. Omnia II: User Going back to VZW - HELP

    I agree that there are things the iPhone excels at, and things which the Andorid OS does better then the iPhone.

    Keep in mind, when the Eris is updated to OS 2.0, it'll a pretty big improvement over 1.6!

    One thing it seems to me that Google does better then Apple, at least at this time, is their updates!

    Droid has already had one update, in just over a month since it's release (MUCH faster scrolling, notification bar drops down/goes up more smoothly, camera fix, etc.) and they've already announced another update for Jan. 22nd!

    Also, Android updates are over the air... no need to download to your pc, connect, use iTunes, etc.

    Anyway, hope you're enjoying the Eris. I've been using an Android phone for over a year, and have loved watching it's progression! (Went from G1 on launch day, to myTouch, to Droid a month ago)



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