quite a bit of the extra money will be coming from no war in iraq...there are also some government programs that he has talked about cutting (don't know which off the top of my head) - there may be a slight increase in taxes for some, but people need to stop being so selfish (and yes, this is coming from a libertarian) - we all live in america and even though i didn't vote for him, the majority wanted bush as our president - since i would like to continue living here, i'm willing to pay a little extra each paycheck so our country can start paying off our debts and so things don't keep getting shittier and shittier - if you notice, our horrendous economy and stock market situation has been effecting the entire world - clinton had to raise taxes, but many investors found that during the clinton administration, they made far more through investments in part due to the value of the dollar rising (even with having to pay higher taxes) - you cannot go to war and lower taxes and just expect the government to be able to handle all of the extra monetary burden - i don't support the war in iraq, i think parts of our government are corrupt and there have been far too many misappropriated funds, but by not doing anything about it, we will no longer be a superpower and america certainly has the possibility of turning into a jobless shithole - why buy our products when so many other countries are making them for far less?

also, we're talking about business making less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in profit, not 25k...250k in PROFIT - this accounts for less than 5% of small businesses - you're mixing up small businesses and corporations - a tax incentive like this will help over 95% of small businesses do things like provide healthcare for their employees as well as promote employment and growth (don't know if you've looked at the unemployment rates recently)

anyways, there's plenty more and i'm sure someone can chime in if they want, but i'm off to work

i also own 2 small businesses and keeping a business small and earning over 250k in profits yearly is literally a multi-million dollar business and extremely difficult to do (while remaining small)

check the chart i linked above from the washington post - even if you are looking at this selfishly, do you fall into any of obama's categories where your taxes will be raised? can you name some small businesses with earnings reports making over 250k per year in profits?