I just got my braces off august 2nd after having them for 2 1/2 years! I just got my retainers 4 days ago. I'm supposed to wear my retainer 24/7 except when I eat and brush. I play the clarinet in marching band. We have band camp from august 28-sepetmber 2. It's 8 hours a day.

- can I play while wearing my retainer?
- if not, will my teeth shift if I don't wear my retainer for 8 hours a day for a week.?

I have a hawley retainer, and when I'm wearing my top and bottom retainers I can't bite down completely. This is what it looks like:
http://www.google.com/imgres?q=different+hawley+retainers&um=1&hl=en&cli ent=safari&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=PBSkW8eIFYBLRM:&im grefurl=http://mckeedental.com/html_site/servicesortho4.htm&docid=D1FuIT83wfOetM&w=400&h=35 0&ei=RjhITubrMIytgQfYtdW1Bg&zoom=1&biw=768&bih=9 46
Band camp-
We play from 1-4. Then we have a 2 hour dinner break, so I'll be eating and I was told not to wear my retainers while I ate. Then we play from 6-9. We do get breaks but they're like 10 minutes.