So i just started grade 10, and my first semester shedual goes alittle like this:

Math-F&P-10 (foundations and principles)
then lunch
Science 10
Digital Media.

Last year i had gym then math, and almost every freaking day id fall asleep in math because i was so tired from gym. Now my gym class is pretty tough, and its not like im not athletic, im actually the 2nd fastest runner in my grade (Competition wise) and i praticpate on all the school sport teams, etc.

But i have alot of hard to reach goals for after high school, and in order to accomplish them, i realized im going to need to be 100% focused on my core subjects. (I want to be a lawyer, and i dont have alot of money so im going to be needing a scholarship to university.) Im extremely serious about being a lawyer too, and ive been aiming my classes and studies towards this career for about 3 years now.

So i guess my real question is, would it be a beneficial thing to take gym through sides?