Me & this man like each other, but we are both apart for now. Me & him have been through a lot & have grown really close to each other. I don't talk with any other guys because I don't want him to feel insecure since we are apart pulse his been cheated on in the past so I don't want him to stress out. We always talk & we even send each other videos, photos & gifts. He even says that he wants me to be his wife someday. But we both know that we need to take things slow.

He even met my auntie & cousins & my auntie said that he was a nice man. Anyways, today I was on chat & I saw this girl write on his facebook wall. She wrote that she didn't like how he looked on his main facebook photo and to take his photo off. Then he deleted her comment. And he saw me on chat, and he said "you could say hello to me if you want too" but no problem, no problem". That's what he said. So I said hello & I said that I didn't notice that he was there? & I asked him who that girl was & I was smiling? And he said that she just added him so he accepted her to see who she was? And he said don't worry about her. "It's a game and I want to know who this person is". So I said that's cool and I said just so you know, I don't agree with what that girl said about your photo & I think your photo is nice and you should leave it the way it is. And he said of Crouse I'm not going to listen to her, don't worry about her. That's what he said and I said just do what you like because it's your life & I don't care what you do because I can't stop you from talking with anyone else. so just do what you like. And he said "Kate enough don't talk like that with me and I said it's the truth. And I said just do whatever you like & he said I hate when you talk like that & he said stop it & we changed the subject & he just kept asking me how I was because he knows I haven't been feeling well. My question is why he got mad when I talked like that I was just being honest.