17. Which best explains one reason why the economies of many European nations were devastated at the end of World War I?
(Points : 3)
German colonies were turned over to Great Britain and France.

They could no longer trade with the United States because of the depression there.

The Treaty of Versailles restricted international trade between Europe and Asia.

Governments had raised taxes and borrowed money to wage war.

14. Who became the first leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
(Points : 3)
Vladimir Lenin

Grigori Rasputin

Leon Trotsky

Karl Marx

10. What happened when World War I escalated and became "total war"?
(Points : 3)
National economies grew and prospered.

Nations were forced to reduce the size of their armies in order to build navies.

The German navy began patrolling U.S. waters for the first time.

Nations passed laws restricting some civil rights.

7. Why were German and Austrian forces able to drive the Russians back into Russian territory early in 1915?
(Points : 3)
The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers.

Japan declared war on Russia.

Russia was in the middle of a drought and famine.

Germany had defeated France and Great Britain.