I have at least 1-2 dreams a week that are set in high school/early college. Many of these dreams are fairly accurate recreations of things that happened involving people who were actually there, others are entirely fictitious and depict events that never took place and people who were never there and may not even exist anywhere outside of my imagination and finally others involve fictional events with real people who weren't actually there. Like this dream I had last night involving starting college with my best friend from high school. In real life my best friend never attended college. All of these dreams share one thing in common I appear in my present form as a 30 year old man and am the only one who realizes this. Everyone else seems to see me as I was during the time frame in which the dream is set. I often think to myself in the dream "I'm 30 years old what am I doing here climbing a rope in gym class or sitting in a high school classroom?" I still attend college in real life for both personal development and obtaining a degree, but the dreams involving college are not set in the present either but several years ago. My memory appears to be razor sharp as I remember things as they were then prior to some major renovations that have taken place. What could this all mean am I yearning for the days of yesteryear or could it be that some part of me doesn't want to move forward but instead would rather focus on revisiting or perhaps altering the past?
My current life is a happy and fairly stress free one I'm doing the things that I love to do and have a lot of loving and wonderful people in my life.