how would you finish this sentence?
when your heart is weak you immerse yourself in lovely activities...? lol

i cant think of how to finish this sentence lol. it needs to be true and sound correct in the sequence
when your heart is weak you must find inner peace and develop a positive outlook on life..?

jeez matters of the heart are tough. idk if there is an easy answer for this. i guess this is why humans have so many emotional problems and need medication and psychiatrists lol the answers are tough to pinpoint. whenever ive been downhearted and weak spirited, it always helped to try to think positively and honestly just stop caring about a few things to lighten the burden. but im in a new stage of my life now. im fully grown and im trying to find answers that are more wise and complex. when your heart is weak, it does no good to numb the pain or distract yourself from the pain and weakness. covering it up will only lodge it deeper within yourself and make it even harder to work out in the future. this last time my heart was weakened by the sudden and brutal death of my cat who i had for 14 years. i got thru that by going to a hypnotist/ therapist for about 7 weeks. is the pain fully gone..?