I have a off brand netbook running on Microsoft CE that I bought from hong kong and i have tried everything I can to connect its wifi to my internet, and the most that I am getting is it telling me that it is connected to my internet but i still cannot access the internet. Can someone please help me??.
Well My router is perfectly fine. Everyone that comes over does not have this problem when they put my password into their laptop to use my internet. And another thing, Those 2 icons at the bottom right hand corner with computers... There use to be 1 computer and then another with 2 together with a red x over them but after messing with the net book trying different things, I was able to connect to my internet and one of the computer icons at the bottom is actually has green lines next to it like a connection. and I have all for sticks next to my wireless symbol that are all orange, when I sign on to the internet, Its keeps saying the page cannot be displayed.