They would drop if anything.

Look at these numbers from some all star duo's

Kevin Durant
30.1 ppg 2.8 apg 47%
27.7 ppg 2.7 apg 48%

Russell Westbrook
16.1 ppg 8.0 apg 41%
21.9 ppg 8.2 apg 44%

See how when Westbrook had his breakout year, Durant's numbers dropped a bit, but both their FG %s went up?

What about Lebron, and D Wade?

Lebron James
29.7 ppg 8.6 apg 50%
26.7 ppg 7.0 apg 51%

D Wade
26.6 ppg 6.5 apg 47%
25.5 ppg 4.6 apg 50%

Looks like that, for the most part their numbers stayed the same, or dropped. Both their FG %s went up, though.

Gasol's numbers either stayed the same, or dropped when he was first traded to LA. Anybody want to average out what Kobe's numbers looked liked after the Gasol trade that year? Be my guest.

What looks to be the common theme here is that while your overall numbers, either stay the same, or dip a bit, your efficiency goes up.

So back to my original question. Why do people think Rose would average more APG if he played with Durant?
I meant APG in my original post.