My first love of twenty six years recently got divorced, We managed to continue contact from time to time, I still love and care for him dearly. He will always be my very best friend. We now live together and things could not be better except his ex-wife continues to call him for child support. He is not a dead beat dad, as a matter of fact she ran off and left him and came back pregnant with another man's baby that he raised for 18 years. She has never tried to put that child's dad on child support. My finance faithful gives her money every two weeks. She calls me bad names and verbally abuse him constantly.

I asked him not to leave the room when he speaks to her over the phone but I'm not sure I like what I hear. He gets very upset and tries to calm her down. I hear him explaining why he left alot an she was the one who pushed the divorce.

He assures me that he is not going back to her and wants to start a new life with me.

Do I continue to support him in his time of need? Do I act like everything is ok? I really need your help on this on planet.