Hi. I'm a 15 year old boy, and I have a rather deep voice. I recently joined the choir, and although I really wanted to be able to sing high, I discovered I can't. My brother is also a singer but he can reach quite high, and he can sing alone and it sounds great. My dad was a bass singer in the latter part of his singing career. I don't think I'm bass, I'm higher than bass but not as high as tenor. I think that makes me a baritone.

I'm a guitarist and I'm rather good, I enjoy playing guitar and singing. My friend and I are singing together, I play guitar and sing low and he sings higher, he is tenor or alto.
My question is: Can I, a baritone, play guitar and sing solo, or is baritone too low to sound good without someone singing higher? I really want to to perform alone as well.