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  1. #1
    dinkylinker's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    in a crowded room their eyes would find each other and everyone else would just vanish. In the world they could be alone.

  2. #2
    Guy in©ogn!to's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    Well you know what they say.... write from experience!! lmao!! I just happen to have some first hand knowledge of showers!! Lol!

    But I do have one little drabble I can entertain you with... lol!

    Brennan didn't know what had brought him out of sleep, but something had. Some small sound had clawed its way to his unconscious mind and brought him out of bed. Bren tipped toed past Jesse's door, past Emma's, and past Adam until he came to stand just outside Shal's door. inside he heard her tossing and turning, lightly whimpering. He wanted to burst int here, wake her up, and rescue her from the nightmare that was consuming her. Since Ashlock has gotten his hanRAB on her, used his powers, Shalimar had acted like a wounded tigress. She would barely sit still for long, barely let him in. In the rare moments he was able to hold her she would shake and shiver. His heart shattered each time he saw the haunted look in her eyes.

    Brenna slid down the wall and sat on the floor resting his head next to Shalimar's door. he was only going to stay there for a few more minutes making sure she was going to be ok. So many images played out in his mind, so many ways he wanted to make Ashlock pay for what he did to her. No one messed with Shalimar; no one. Brennan was fiercely protective of the Feral who slept down the hall from him. Brennan had never met anyone like her,a nd he had known dozens of women. Still. none of the women he had been with were ever as vibrant as Shalimar could be, or as playful. He knew there was something sparking between them, he could feel it just like the electricity streaming in his DNA.

    Morning found Shalimar rolling out of bed to crouch on the floor of her room. she had dreamed of Ashlock and then she dreamed sweet dreams of Brennan. She had never felt so loved as she had with Brennan in her dreams. He had kissed her gently, taken her hand, walked with her along the mountain trail just enjoying the day. Then the scene shifted and they were lying together on a couch while Bren read her a poem from Whitman. It was so peaceful and comforting that her nightmare had all but been forgotten.

    Shalimar opened her door to find Brennan sitting on the floor with his head resting on the door jarab. she took a moment to stare at him He wore only a pair of black linen pants without a shirt. Instantly her inner feline purred with approval. Shalimar didn't want to wake him, but she couldn't leave him on the floor for everyone else to see. crouching down next to him Shal drew her finger tips down his bristled cheek trying to wake him up. "Bren, wake up."

    Brennan groaned feeling stiffness in his back and in his neck. he opened his eyes to see the beautiful sight of Shalimar fresh form her bed and he was still on the floor. "Oh, hey Shal..." He arched his back feeling cracks up and down his spine. It was a great feeling. Never had he fallen asleep outside of some ones door before. Erabarrassment bubbled up inside of him at being caught. "Sorry Shal, I... umm..."

    "What's going on Bren?" Shalimar asked offering him a hand so he could stand up.

    "Last night I heard you tossing and turning. I guessed you were dreaming of Ashlock and he was tormenting you." Brennan looked down at the spot he had occupied for the rest of the night. "I just wanted to be close by should you need me." it was the truth. If Shalimar had needed him he would have been through that door in an instant.

    Shalimar felt her heart clench, it filled with happiness. Stepping in close to him she wrapped her arms around his waist and pillowed her head over his heart listening to the strong beat. "Thanks Bren. I know I can count on you." She could and she knew it. Brennan was a constant in her life. Since he had been with Mutant X shalimar found herself becoming closer to Brennan. There was something about him that made her feel safe, secure. Having Brennan made this mountain stronghold a home to her more so than Adam have ever done. Adam was her surrogate father, Jesse was her brother, and Emma; she loved Emma so much. But none of them were Brennan.

  3. #3
    ?|/|?|2?ªM?'s Avatar

    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    It'd never be boring, that's for sure! :lol:

  4. #4
    Mlllkm's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    I bet if they'd gotten together in S4 (which I think they would have eventually), Adam and Lexa wouldn't have been surprised in the least. Only Jesse would've had to get used to it. :lol:

  5. #5
    MJbabyy<33's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    You've been added, welcome! :hug: It's always exciting getting a new fan! :love:

  6. #6
    AZNENVAZEN's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    Their FLIRTING was so awesome!!! It was one of a kind!!! lol!

  7. #7
    Tenshi_No_Shikatsu's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    Totally! Sometimes it did get frustrating, especially when they'd bring in a random love interest(s) for them, but it always proved even more how they only people right for them were each other. :love:

  8. #8

    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    That was a great one! My shipper heart is always in overdrive when they're already acting like boyfriend/girlfriend. :thud:

    And how she sacrificed her own safety and state of health to lure him out, even as he was dead set against it, that just goes to show how much he means to her. :sigh:

  9. #9
    jk8rumrr's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    It was DONE just at the right speed. I love that the most!! lol!

  10. #10
    lacostelover's Avatar
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    Brennan Mulwray ♥ Shalimar Fox (Mutant X) #2 ~ "So it's her. The woman whose fingerprints are all over your heart."

    I love the gifs that you post!! They make me really happy!



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