I have been meditating often lately, as if I were suddenly driven to learn something. I experienced a trance, but feel as though it was only the door to something more. I have also been able to see auras with little effort, and find myself fascinated by doing so. My forehead feels numb sometimes and I have been getting intense headaches lately too. The one thing I have to note the most is the feeling that (with minor to no concentration) It feels as though I can send a "wave" from parts of my body outward. Most strong "waves" come from my head. Which begin in my head, tingle down to my shoulders and push out of my feet. The ones from my heart seem to go in whatever way I intend to direct them. A girl went into convulsions at work the other day and I directed my "heart" toward her and it felt very intense and very good but as soon as it left me I had a massive headache and was sluggish till about midnight.
-What could all of this possibly mean for me?
- Why do I seem to find a new thing almost every month lately?
-What should a person experiencing things like this for the first time do?
-The Headaches I can deal with, but what if this means I am ill and it is causing me to go cray?
-I dont think I am more significant than anyone, but does this mean I am suppose to do something with these things?

your reply would be highly appreciated because there is a lot of confusion, and a bit of fear in my life right now.
(I will continue to seek answers and they will find me somehow, so don't feel bad if you don't get to this cluster of questions.)
also another question:
If I accept your for doing things that I don't agree with, then why cant you respectively ignore me, go away, and force your beliefs on someone else. This question is only intended for those who respect, but thank you for your concerns about my soul I love you too.