Natural Raised Killers

Are you ever afraid for your life? Perhaps you should be more often than you realize. Serial Killers are not a realistic threat until one murder turns up in your neigrabroadorhood. In our world, there are many different crimes and injustices committed daily. One of the most predominant and publicized is the rampage of a serial killer. Local communities panic and often several innocent victims are found dead long before the killer is caught; and many turned up after. Throughout our history there have been many serial killers, but I think three of the most recognized are Ted Bundy, Heriberto Seda, and John Wayne Gacy.
Ted Bundy is probably the most famous serial killers. It is said that he has killed 22 (possibly more) people. He used deception to gain the trust of his victims. Bundy is best described as a sexual killer and has appeared on television as many or more times than some famous movie stars. He was a traveler, moved around a lot in order to avoid the authorities. Bundy is said to have enjoyed having "power" over his victims.
Bundy was raised as a normal child, brought up by a wealthy mother and father. "Bundy blames the excessive amounts of porn for all of his murderous ways," states Ron Mitchell. He came from a good home, had a good upbringing, and cannot seem to pinpoint anything in particular that would lead to his murderous spree.
The Picasso of the serial killing community, Ted was good-looking, charming, intelligent, self-assured, with a brilliant future, and deadlier than a rattlesnake. Using his good looks, he was able to invisibly abduct and kill his victims and continue with his seemingly charmed life. From early 1974 to early 1978, the stranger called "Ted" stalked young women on college campuses, at shopping malls, in apartment buildings, and grade schools in Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and finally Florida. This law student and Young Republican liked to wear an arm sling to appear vulnerable and get women to help him with his groceries. (14)
Ted roamed from state to state on a killing spree. Eventually, he was captured and sentenced to trial. He confessed to 11 murders in Washington, 8 in Utah, 3 in Colorado, 2 in Oregon, 3 in Florida, 2 in Idaho, and 1 in California. He thought that he was a clever man, but he became careless with his later abductions. Bundy was such a confident man that he decided to represent himself in court. That was his most foolish mistake since the outcome of the trial was a death sentence. Ted believed he could fool everyone, because he thought he was so much smarter than everyone else. His arrogance was what defeated him in the end. He lost his trial and was electrocuted in Florida on January 25, 1989.
Heriberto Seda is probably better known as the New York Zodiac Killer. It was his attempt to kill one person within each of the twelve zodiac signs. This killer shot three men, fatally, and wounded a fourth in Central Park. The shootings all occurred on Thursdays, 21 days apart. He was not actually discovered until two years later when a detective matched hand written statements to the threat letters and drawings Seda had sent to the newspapers and the police department. He was finally caught when in an argument with his sister; he shot her in the back. Seda confessed to all the attacks, telling police he had been overcome by "urges" to strike bestly. It was only by chance that the victims' signs were all different. Police matched his fingerprints to the gun, and his handwriting to the letters he had so foolishly written to the media. He was arrested in his own home and police had to coax him down from the rooftop, forcing him to drop all of his guns down to them. Seda finally turned in 13 homemade weapons.
While in prison, he attempted to become his own lawyer and petitioned for bail. When denied, he asked the judge to step down and demanded a new lawyer. Seda plagued the city with multiple law suits, none of which ever went through. In July of 1988, he was sentenced to 83 years in prison. The judge told him that he was “going to die in prison.” (6) He has yet to be tried for several other suspected shootings.
Another recent murderer now off the streets is John Wayne Gacy. He was most widely known for abusing and killing young boys. His rampage of killings has a known total of 33 victims and possibly several more buried out in his backyard. Gacy was known to the public as such a “nice guy.” He was a clown entertainer for children. When he got the child alone, he would handcuff, rape, beat, and strangle them to death. Gacy had all the details of each murder planned out before it occurred. "Once he entered his murderous fantasy, there was no turning back." (9) Gacy was sick and demented, often offering to read Bible verses to his victims and would make them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He did not get caught until his wife complained about an awful stench coming from below the house. Then the Chicago police tracked him down and discovered 30 bodies buried in the crawl space underneath his house. He was sentenced to death row in prison, where he became an artist. It didn’t last long though, because he was executed by lethal injection in 1994. To this day, authorities are still using ground radar to try and find more bodies behind Gacy’s house. It is said that a neigrabroador had seen him burying more bodies 3 1/2 feet deep out in the yard behind the house.
Day by day, hour by hour, police and detectives find clues to track down these murderers. One by one they are getting picked off the streets, but as soon as one is convicted, another emerges. These men, among the other slew of criminals, make up the content of what gives our law enforcement occupations. Hopefully, these crimes will one-day stop, but now days a murder is as common as the six o’clock news.

Works Cited

Abrahams, Paul. “Zodiac Killer Caught!” New York Tribune. 12 Nov. 1990: 2
Online. Dialog. 14 Feb.

Associated Press. “The Mind of a Killer.” San Francisco Chronicle. 23 April 1993: 1
Micro-Fiche. Dialog with picture. 10 Feb.

Johnson, Robert. “Lethal Injection For Gacy.” Chicago Post. 16 May 1994: 2
Online. Dialog. 14 Feb.

Ron Mitchell: 12 pages. Online. 9 Feb.

The Serial Killer Hit List: 16 pages. Online. 9 Feb.